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Philosophy and Justification of the Curriculum

Focus on the process of developing the student to be a person with high level expertise in environment and resources science, able to learn independently, creatively, morally, have wide vision, can work both independently and with a team, be a leader in environmental science, able to integrate the overall knowledge of the environmental system and produce innovative products for the benefit of sustainable development.


In order to meet the needs of the region 's development, the program aims to prepare graduates who are experts in interdisciplinary environmental research, to provide them with an extensive understanding of the complexities of the environment and to promote a broad comprehension of the global environment and the need for on-going environmental learning at all levels of society.

  • This broadly scoped research degree
  • Focuses on environment and resource studies.
  • Emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of resolving environmental and natural resource management issues within research directions as follow.
  • Will be required to complete in 3 years of full time study.
  • New candidates can apply all year round.
Career Opportunities of the Graduates
1. Environmental science expert at the state, national and regional level
2. Leaders in environmental and natural resources professionals
3. Effective researchers and academic careers (lecturers and teachers)


  1. Applicants who have graduate Master's Degree have to enrol Dissertation 48 credits

Study Process

  1. Criteria for Ph.D. graduation
  2. Ph.D. Dissertation
  3. Step for Graduate

Step of thesis process


TQF 3 ENID 898 : Dissertation



Contact : Guie X. Hartney,
Associate Director, Global Engagement and Business Development, Macquarie International
Macquarie University NSW 2109 Australia
Tel: +61 2 9850 1071 Mobile: +61 429 897 075
E-mail: guie.hartney@mq.edu.au

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees Starting from Student ID 67XXXXX

Tuition and Fees For Student ID Below 67XXXXX

Course Fee: Based on 3 years

Descriptions Total
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
  Amount Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
Education Services Fee @ 10,000/ year 30,000 5,700 4,300 5,700 4,300 5,700 4,300
Student Activities Fee @ 250/ semester 1,500 250 250 250 250 250 250
Graduate Studies Fee @ 750/ semester 4,500 750 750 750 750 750 750
Internet Service @ 500/semester 3,000 500 500 500 500 500 500
Graduate Tuition Fee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Research Supplies Fee 300,000 0 0 150,000 150,000 0 0
*Special Equipment @5,000/ semester 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Thesis Registration 72,000 0 0 36,000 36,000 0 0
Qualification Examination(QE) 4,200 4,200 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total (Baht) 445,200 16,400 10,800 198,200 196,800 12,200 10,800
Others (for International Students)
Health Insurance
10,500 3,500 0 3,500 0 3,500 0
Total (Baht) 455,700 19,900 10,800 201,700 196,800 15,700 10,800

* Students will be required to register until graduation.

Admission Requirements


  •  Applicants must have a Master's degree in and discipline with a GPA of no less than 3.50.
  •  Applicants must submit evidence of scholarly or professional achievements showing satisfactory research preparation to the Programme Committee.
  •  Pass an English Proficiency Examination arranged by the Faculty of Graduate Studies or other institutions certified by the Faculty of Graduate Studies or have a TOEFL Internet-based score of more than 79 (W=23, S=19) or IELTS score of more than 6.0 (W=6.0, S=6.0) or MU GRAD Plus score of more than 90 (W=12, S=12). English score must not exceed 2 years.
  • Have at least 1 publication as a first author or corresponding author in an international academic journal which is not in partial fulfillments of the requirements for Master Degree
  •  Exceptions to the above requirements may be made by the Programme Committee and by the Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies.
  •  A concept paper of a proposed dissertation research.
  •  An acceptance letter to be an initial advisor from an instructor in Faculty of Environment.

Admission Process

Preparing a PhD concept paper

Admission process for Ph.D. program

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

For students who enrolled in the program since academic year 2022 (Student ID 65xxxxx onwards)

  1. Demonstrate moral ethics as a professional in the field of environment and natural resource research
  2. Analyze the complex relationships between natural and human systems
  3. Solve environmental problems using accurate information, technology and modern tools
  4. Integrate facts, concepts, and methods from multidisciplinary approaches to make ethical and informed judgments on complex environmental issues
  5. Create novel interdisciplinary research studies for sustainable development at the state, national and regional level in terms of publication and innovation.

For students who enrolled in the program before the academic year 2022 (Student ID 60xxxxx – 64xxxxx)

  1. Moral ethics in the field of environment and natural resources.
  2. Understanding the relationship between the natural environment and human activity.
  3. Describe characteristics and analyze the impact of human activities on the environment.
  4. Have practical skills for problem solving. Including the ability to use tools in the laboratory and in the field, computer applications, statistical techniques, and / or modeling.
  5. Understanding and applying scientific and social research strategies. Including information collection, management, evaluation, and interpretation of environmental information.
  6. Integrate facts, concepts, and methods from multiple disciplines and apply them to environmental issues.
  7. Designing and evaluating strategies, technologies and methods for sustainable environmental management, and for the restoration or restoration of deteriorated environments.

Contact Information

Assoc.Prof.Dr.Paramita Punwong
Tel: 0 2441 5000 ext 1313
Email: paramita.pun@mahidol.edu
Program Chair
Dr. Phatra Samerwong
Tel: 0 2441 5000 ext 2106
Email: phatra.sam@mahidol.ac.th
Committee and Secretary
Ms.Pailin Bunnak
Tel: 0 2441 5000 ext 2106
Email: pailin.bun@mahidol.edu
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