ดร. ภัทรา เสมอวงษ์
Dr. Phatra Samerwong
Ph.D.Social science (Environmental Policy Group)
Wageningen University
MSc International Development Studies (Sociology of Development)
Wageningen University
BA Political Science (International Affairs)
Thammasat University
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 0 2441 5000 ext 2106
Research Interests
- Aquaculture Certification
- Aquaculture Governance
- Environmental Sociology
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Sattraburut, T, Samerwong, P, Prueksakorn, K, Piyangkorn, O, Neamsaard, A. 2022. Factors Affecting the Opinions of the General Public on the Reopening of Phuket to Foreign Tourists during the COVID-19 Situation in 2020. Romphruek Journal of Krirk University. 40(3).
Prueksakorn, K, Samerwong, P, Sattraburut, T, Ha, H, Ahn, K, Kim, T. 2022. Adjusting Ventilation for Heat Control in an Industrial Building Using Computational Fluid Dynamics: Case Study of a Heat Treatment Plant in Automobile Industry. Thai Environmental Engineering Journal. 36(1).
Samerwong P, Prueksakorn K, Neamsaad A, Piyangkorn O, Sattraburut T. 2021. Factors Affecting the drop out and Graduation Periods of Undergraduate Student of Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus in COVID-19 Situation. Journal of Education Khon Kaen University. 44(4), 118-131.
Samerwong, P, Toonen, HM, Oosterveer, P, Bush, SR. 2020. A capability approach to assess aquaculture sustainability standard compliance. PLOS ONE. 15, e0227812.
Samerwong, P, Bush, SR, Oosterveer, P. 2018. Implications of multiple national certification standards for Thai shrimp aquaculture. Aquaculture. 493, 319-327.
Samerwong, P, Bush, SR, Oosterveer, P. 2017. Metagoverning aquaculture standards: a comparison of the GSSI, the ASEAN GAP, and the ISEAL. The Journal of Environment & Development. 26, 429-451.