ดร. วิชญา รงค์สยามานนท์
Dr.Witchaya Rongsayamanont
คุณวุฒิ :
วท.ด. สาขาการจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อม (นานาชาติ)
วท.ม. สาขาการจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อม (นานาชาติ)
วท.บ. สาขาวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีสิ่งแวดล้อม มหิดล
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 0 2441 5000 ต่อ 2215
Research Interests
Green technology and product for the remediation of marine oil spill
- Combination between green chemistry and biotechnology for oil and gas exploration and production waste management
- Green product development for household cleaning and environmental remediation
- Bioremediation
- Representative of Chulalongkorn University and also Thailand in 2017 Asia-Pacific 3MT (3minutes Thesis) competition. The University of Queensland, Australia on 28 September 2017.
- Popular Vote Award in 3MT competition by Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University and DTAC on 19 March 2017
- Outstanding Oral Presentation Award in RGJ-Ph.D. Congress XVI by Thailand Research Fund (TRF) (2015)
JOURNAL ARTICLESRongsayamanont, W., Khondee, N., Soonglerdsongpha, S., Pinyakong, O., Tongcumpou, C., Sabatini, D.A. and Luepromchai, E. Formulation of crude oil spill dispersants based on the HLD concept and using a lipopeptide biosurfactant. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
Laorrattanasak, S., Rongsayamanont, W., Khondee, N., Paorach, N., Soonglerdsongpha, S. Pinyakong, O, Luepromchai, E. (2016). Production and Application of Gordonia westfalica GY40 Biosurfactant for Remediation of Fuel Oil Spill. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution.
Kaewtip, W., Chuahom, S., Suttinun, O., Luepromchai, E. Weschayanwiwat, P. (2009). Combined Cloud Point Extraction and Bioremediation Techniques for Clean-up Trichloroethylene in Various Soil Types. Thai Environmental Engineering Journal. 23, 3: 1-10.
Padungpol, R., Paorach, N., Rongsayamanont, W., Luepromchai, E (2017) Efficiency of mixed bacterial inoculum on degrading linear alpha olefins in seawater. The 29th Annual Meeting of the Thai Society for Biotechnology and International Conference Swissôtel Le Concorde, Bangkok, Thailand. November 23-25, 2017
Rongsayamanont, W., Soonglerdsongpha, S., Tongcumpou, C., Sabatini, D.A. and Luepromchai, E (2017) Application of lipopeptide based dispersant and Gordonia sp. JC11 for clean-up oil spill in seawater. Poster Presentation. International Union of Microbiological Societies Congresses 2017 Singapore (IUMS2017). 17th 21th July, 2017.
Padungpol, R., Paorach, N., Rongsayamanont, W., Luepromchai, E (2017) Characterization of crude oil degrading bacteria isolated from Thai marine environment for the development of mixed bacterial inoculum. Poster Presentation. International Union of Microbiological Societies Congresses 2017 Singapore (IUMS2017). 17th 21th July, 2017.
Rongsayamanont, W., Khondee, K., Jittapironsak, N., Padungpol, R., Suttiponparnit, K., Soonglerdsongpha, S., Pinyakong, O., Tongcumpou, C., Sabatini, D.A. and Luepromchai, Application of lipopeptide biosurfactant from Bacillus sp. GY19 for dispersing oil spill and enhancing oil degradation. Poster Presentation. The 27th Annual Meeting of the Thai Society for Biotechnology and International Conference. November 17-20, 2015.
Rongsayamanont, W., Soonglerdsongpha, S., Pinyakong, O., Tongcumpou, C., Sabatini, D.A. and Luepromchai, E. Characterization and Formulation of Biosurfactant produced from Bacillus sp. GY19 for Dispersing Oil Spill in Seawater. RGJ-Ph.D. Congress XVI. Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand, 11th -13th June 2015. (Outstanding oral presentation award)
Soonglerdsongpha, S. Rongsayamanont, W., Khondee, N., Pinyakong, O., and Luepromchai, E. Production and Application of Lipopeptide Biosurfactant for Dispersing Oil Spill in Seawater. 5th World Congress on Biotechnology. Valencia, Spain, 25th-27th June 2014.
Rongsayamanont, W., Soonglerdsongpha, S., Pinyakong, O., Tongcumpou, C., Sabatini, D.A. and Luepromchai, E. Formulation of Lipopeptide Biosurfactant Mixtures for Dispersing Oil Spill in Seawater.105th AOCS Annual Meeting Expo. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 4th -6th May, 2014.
Jittapiromsak, N., Rongsayamanont, W., Soonglerdsongpha, S., Pinyakong, and Luepromchai, E. The Formulations of Biosurfactant for Cleaning Hard Surfaces Contaminated Diesel Oil. International Congress on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences (ICCBES). Kyoto, Japan, 7th-9th May 2014.
Kaewtip,W., Luepromchai, E., Pinyakong, O., Tongcumpou, C., Ruangchainikom, C., and Soonglerdsongpha, S. Properties of Biosurfactant Powder from Bacillus sp. GY19 for Enhancing Petroleum Removal. International Conference on Environmental and Hazardous Substance Management towards a Green Economy. Imperial Queens Park Hotel, BKK, Thailand, 21st -23rd May 2013.