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รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร. นาฏสุดา ภูมิจำนงค์

Associate Professor Dr.Nathsuda Pumijumnong

คุณวุฒิ :
B.Sc. (Forestry),
M.Sc. (Technology of Environmental Management),
Ph.D. (Natural Science)

E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 0 2441 5000 ต่อ 2311

Research Interests

Climate Change, Ecological Dynamic, Rehabilitation of Ecological System


Pumijumnong, N., Eckstein D., and Park W-K. 1999. "Teak Tree-Ring Chronology in Myanmar-A First Attempt" The Palaeobotanist. (in print)

Pumijumnong, N. 1999. Final Report Study on Paleoclimate in Southeast Asia with Teak (Tectona grandis L,), Post-Doctoral supported by TRF (Thai Research Fund) PDF/28/2540.

D'Arrigo, R. Buckley, Pumijumnong, N., and Barbetti, M. 2000. Southeast Asia Tree-Ring Data Network: Potential for Long-Term Dendroclimatic Reconstruction of Monsoon International Conference on Dendrochronology for third Millenium, 2-7 April 2000, Mendoza, Argentina.

Pumijumnong, N. 2000. Extended Teak Chronology from Thailand to Myanmar International Conference on Dendrochronology for the Third Millenium. 2-7 April 2000. Mendoza, Argentina.

Pumijumnong, N. 2000. Final Report Study on Long - term Climate Fluctuation and Environmental Change Disturbance Age, Size and Dynamic Structure of Mixed Deciduous Forest, Mahidol University.

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