ดร. นรินทร์ บุญตานนท์
Dr. Narin Boontanon
คุณวุฒิ :
B.Sc. (Chemistry)
M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry)
Ph.D. (Science, Biogeochemistry) , Kyoto University, Japan
Post Doctoral Fellow (Researcher) , JST
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 0 2441 5000 ต่อ 2211
Research Interests
Greenhouse gasesBiogeochemical cycles
Application of stable isotope technique
Application of analytical technique
Food web analysis
Kohzu A., Nishizawa N., Boontanon N. and Wada E. (1999) The Use of Natural 13C and 15N Abundances for Monitoring of Environmental Stress. Journal of Bioresource Sciences 2 : 1-10. (in Japanese)
Boontanon N., Ueda S., Kanatharana P. and Wada E. (2000) Intramolecular Stable Isotope Ratios of N2O in the Tropical Swamp Forest in Thailand. Naturwissenschaften 87 : 188-192.
Matsubara T., Ueda S., Boontanon N., Kanatharana P. and Wada E. (2000) Food culture of local people in Narathiwat, Southern Thailand - Analysis with stable isotope ratios. Shukutoku University Int'l Journal of Int'l Management and Culture 14 : 81-94.
Ueda S., Go C.-S. U., Yoshioka T., Yoshida N., Wada E., Miyajima T., Sugimoto A., Boontanon N., Vijarnsorn P. and Boonprakub S. (2000) Dynamics of Dissolved O2, CO2, CH4 and N2O in a Tropical Coastal Swamp in Southern Thailand. Biogeochemistry 49 : 191-215.
Boontanon N., Kohzu A. and Eitaro Wada (2001) Nutrients Dynamic in Lake Biwa with Emphasis on Intramolecular Stable Isotope Ratios of Dissolved N2O. Monthly Journal Kaiyo 33 : 511-517. (in Japanese)
Sugiura K., Boontanon N. and Yoshida N. (2003) The biogeochemical influence of groundwater on the material cycle in Tama River tidal flat sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67 : A452.
Charpentier J., Farias L., Yoshida N., Boontanon N. and Raimbault P. (2007) Nitrous oxide distribution and its origin in the central and eastern South Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Biogeosciences 4 : 729-741.
Boontanon N., Ueda S. and Wada E. Intramolecular Stable Isotope Ratios of N2O in Lake Biwa (manuscript will be submitted to Limnology and Oceanography).
Boontanon N., Ueda S. and Wada E. High production of greenhouse gases in the Tropical Swamp forest in Thailand at the dry-wet interface of 10 days interval (revised to Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies).
Boontanon N., Watanabe S., Odate T. and Yoshida, N. Dissolved N2O in Southern Ocean fronts at 140˚E; production, consumption and budget (revised to Deep Sea Research-I).
Boontanon N., Kusaba, S., Watanabe S., Odate T. and Yoshida, N. Methane production in the Southern Ocean during austral summer (submitted to Marine Chemistry).
International Conference Proceedings:
Matsubara T., Boontanon N., Ueda S., Kanatharana P. and Wada E. (1999) Biogeochemical Characteristics of Peat Swamp Forests and Surrounding Areas in Narathiwat Inferred from 13C and 15N analyses. In Can Biological Production Harmonize with Environment? Reports from Research Sites in Asia- Proceeding of the International Symposium held on October 19-20, 1999 at The United Nations University, pp 485-488.
Matsubara T., Boontanon N., Ueda S., Kanatharana P. and Wada E. (2000) Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles of Peat Swamp Forests and Surrounding Areas in Narathiwat, Thailand, Inferred from 13C and 15N Analyses. In Tropical Peat Lands Proceedings of the International Symposium held on November 22-23, 1999 at Bogor, Indonesia, pp 245-253.
Boontanon N., Ueda S. and Wada E. (2001) Intramolecular Stable Isotope Ratios of Dissolved N2O in Several Aquatic Ecosystems. In Proceeding of 1st International Symposium on Isotopomers held on July 23-26, 2001, Yokohama, Japan, pp 253-262.
Boontanon N., Wada E., Ueda S. and Kanatharana P. (2002) Intramolecular stable isotope ratios of N2O: Implication on its origin in the tropical swamp forest. In Proceeding of the International Workshop New Scope on Sustainable Watersheds in East Asia hels on 14-17 October 1999, Kyoto, Japan, pp 109-114.
Boontanon N., Yoshida N. (2004) Nitrogen and oxygen isotopic determination of nitrate by chemical reduction. In Proceeding of 2nd International Symposium on Isotopomers held on November 4-6, 2003, Stresa, Italy, pp 208-211.
เพริศพิชญ์ คณาธารณา, Boontanon N., Ueda S., Wada E., Matsubara T. (2544) รายงานการวิจัยเรื่อง ศึกษาและพัฒนาระบบฐานข้อมูลปริมาณสารอาหาร (สารประกอบไนโทรเจน) ของลุ่มน้ำบางนราด้วยสารสนเทศภูมิศาสตร์. ภาควิชาเคมี มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ 253 p.
Kanatharana P., Pongthumrong V., Boontanon N., Ueda S. and Wada E. (1995) Distribution of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) in the Peat Swamp and Its Surrounding Areas. In Vijarnsorn P, Suzuki K., Kyuma K., Wada E., Nagano T. and Takai Y (eds.) A Tropical Swamp Forest Ecosystem and Its Greenhouse Gas Emission, Reports of a New Program for Creative Basic Research Studies of Global Environmental Change with Special Reference to Asia and Pacific Regions, vol II-1. NODAI Research Institute, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, pp 147-151.
Yoshioka T., Hama T., Matsuzawa T., Ohta K., Kanoue E., Wada E., Boontanon N., Ueda T., Ohte N., Koba K., Takahashi M. and Hayakawa K. (1998) Material Cycles in Forest and Lake Interface. In Wada E. (ed.) Annual Report 1998 under IGBP-MESSC. Kyoto University, pp 49-50. (in Japanese) Boontanon N., Wada E., Kanatharana P. and Ueda S. (1998) Response of Gas Emission (CH4, CO2 and N2O) to Climatic Changes in Bang Nara River Watershed in Thailand. In Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB. Researches Related to the UNESCOs Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan 1997-1998. Tokyo, pp 27-32.
Boontanon N., Wada E., Ueda S. and Kanatharana P. (1998) Intramolecular Stable Isotope ratios of N2O : Implication on Its Origin in the Tropical Swamp Forest. In Wada E. (ed.) Annual Report 1998 under IGBP-MESSC. Kyoto University, pp 148-154.
Yoshioka T., Konohira E., Itoh Y., Khan M., Hayakawa K., Takahashi M., Boontanon N. and Ueda T. (2001) Seasonal Variations of Dissolved Organic Matter in Lake Biwa and their Major Rivers. In Wada E. (ed.) Research report of Lake Biwa Research Institute: Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter. Lake Biwa Research Institute, pp. 32-40. (in Japanese)
Purge and Trap/Gas Chromatographic Method for Determination of Nitrous Oxide, Greenhouse Gas (1994) 4th EURASIA Conference, 17-20 December, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Response of Gas Emission (CH4, CO2 and N2O) to Climatic Changes in Bang Nara River Watershed in Thailand (1997) 1997 Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan. Nutrients Dynamic and Response of Greenhouse Gases Emission to Climatic Changes in Bang Nara River Watershed in Thailand (1998) International Seminar; The Development of Sustainable Biological Production Technologies in The Problem Soils in Southeast Asia, Narathiwat, Thailand.
Stable Isotope of N2O: Response to Climatic Change (1999) 46th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, Matsumoto, Japan.
Intramolecular Stable Isotope Ratios of N2O in Tropical Swamp Forest in Thailand (1999) IGBP-Congress, Shonan Village, Japan.
Nutrients Dynamic and Intramolecular Stable Isotope Ratios of Dissolved N2O in Lake Biwa (2001) 9th International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Lake (BIWAKO 2001), 11-16 November, Kyoto, Japan.
Nitrogen and oxygen isotopic determination of nitrate by chemical reduction (2003) 2nd International Symposium on Isotopomers, 4-6 November, Stresa, Italy.
Dissolved N2O in Southern Ocean fronts at 140˚E; production, consumption and budget (2004) International Conference on Isotopes in Environmental Studies-Aquatic Forum, 25-29 October, Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
DIWPA (Diveristas Western Pacific and Asia): 3rd International Field Biology Course, Hat Yai and Bangkok, Thailand. 11-31 August 1997.