ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร. กมลาภรณ์ คนองเดช
Assistant Professor Dr.Kamalaporn Kanongdate
คุณวุฒิ :
Ph.D. Environmental Science (General Ecology)
M.Sc. (Environmentai and Resources Management
B.Sc.(Fishery Management)
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 0 2441 5000 ต่อ 1316
Research Interests
aquatic/wetland ecosystem resilience, the vulnerability of ecosystem services, intrinsic and instrumental values for ecological conservation, wetland biodiversity indicators, macroinvertebrates as a quality indicator of ecosystem-health
Kanongdate K, Wiegleb G, and Bröring U. (2012). Modification of Biodiversity Assessment: Practical Use for Wetland Management and Monitoring - Case Study on the Conservation of Endangered Fish in Bung Khong Long Lake, Thailand. International Wetland Symposium (IWS 2012): 7-9 November 2012, Pokhara Nepal.
Kanongdate K, Wiegleb G, and Bröring U. (2012) Evaluating Threatened Status of Economic Fish at Ramsar Site – Case Study in Bung Khong Long Lake, Thailand. ICER 12, 2012, Teerenghanu, Malaysia.
Kanongdate K. (2012). Driving forces influencing the fluctuation in the number of Purple Herons at Bung Khong Long Ramsar Site, Thailand.
Kanongdate K and Wiegleb G. (2010). Monitoring ecological functions in Bung Khong Long Non-Hunting Area, Ramsar Site, Thailand. Seventh National Monitoring Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA
Kanongdate K and Wiegleb G. (2010). Monitoring the effectiveness of Ramsar Convention on wetland Ramsar sites: Case study Ramsar Sites Thailand. 2010. Seventh National Monitoring Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Biodiversity restoration BMW Plant, Rayong Thailand (2017-2018)
Development of model for predicting impact of climate change on aquaculture zones and resilience of aquaculture farmers in Upper Gulf of Thailand, Case study of Bangpakong catchment (co-researcher: completed)
Impacts of marshland destruction on the ecology and amphibians abundance due to urbanization along the western Chao Phraya River, Nonthaburi, Thailand.
Biodiversity restoration within mono-plant community: case study of Typha ecosystem.
Enhancing EHIA for ASEAN Networks.
Influence of physical and chemical characteristics of sediment on the distribution and biomass of seagrasses: Kung Krabean Bay, Chanthaburi Province
Influence of available essential elements in the sediment to the biomass of Enhalus acoroides , Kung Krabaen Bay, Chanthaburi Province