Geospatial Technology and its application
Health GIS: climate impacts on human health
Coastal vulnerability assessment
Disaster: Floods and droughts risk assessment
Applications of Geoinformatics in Environmental and Natural resource management
Health GIS: climate impacts on human health
Coastal vulnerability assessment
Disaster: Floods and droughts risk assessment
Applications of Geoinformatics in Environmental and Natural resource management
รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร. กาญจนา นาคะภากร
Associate Professor Dr.Kanchana Nakhapakorn
คุณวุฒิ :
B.A. (Geography)
M.Sc. (Remote Sensing & GIS)
D. Tech. Sc. (Remote Sensing & GIS)
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 0 2441 5000 ต่อ 1240
Research Interests
GIS, Remote Sensing, GPS, Geo-informatics for Environmental Health, Public Health, Disaster, and Environmental Management
Lolupiman T, Nakhapakorn K, Ussawarujikulchai A, Kanchanasoontorn S, and Jirakajohnkool S. Estimation of Above Ground Carbon Stock in Para Rubber Plantation by Application of Remote Sensing, Rayong Province. Thammasat J. of Science and Technology.2016; 24(6):914-926.
Tantrakarnapa, K., Kliengchuay, W., Nakhapakorn, K., Rakwatin,P., Morand, S., Herbreteau, V. (2015) GeoHealth Thai Platform (GeoHTP): towards a network to gather expertise, knowledge and resources in health geography. Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting, Dec 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.
Sarajit O., Nakhapakorn K., Jirakajohnkool S., Tienwong K., and Pansuwan A. Assessing Coastal Composite Vulnerability Indices on Seasonal Change in Phetchaburi, Thailand. EnvironmentAsia 8(1)(2015) 115-123.
Suksabai K., Nakhapakorn K. Fire Detection using LANDSAT Thermal data: In SaiYok District, Kanchanaburi province, Thailand. Thammasat J. of Science and Technology . Vol.22(4): Oct.-Dec., 2014. (in Thai)
Gurukul K., Nakhapakorn K. Coastal vulnerability assessment: a case study of Samut Songkham coastal zone Thammasat J. of Science and Technology . Vol.22(6), 2014.
Sarajit O., Nakhapakorn K. Geoinformatics Application for Coastal Erosion, Phetchaburi Province. Thammasat J. of Science and Technology . Vol.22(6), 2014.
Wunbua J., Nakhapakorn K., Jirakajohnkool S. Change detection and identification of land potential for planting Krajood (Lepironia articulata ) in Thale Noi, Southern Thailand. Songklanakarin J.Sci. Technol. 34(3), 329-336, May-Jun. 2012.
Prasertburanakul, C., Suwanich, P., Nakhapakorn, K., Viseshsin,. S. Topographic Change monitoring and assessment of landslide area by using multi-temporal digital terrain model and LiDAR data : a case study of Ban Nam Ko, Lom Sak, Petchabun. J. of Remote Sensing and GIS Association of Thailand. Vol. 13(1), 1-10. 2012.
Duriyapong F., Nakhapakorn K. Coastal vulnerability assessment: a case study of Samut Sakhon coastal zone. Songklanakarin J.Sci.Technol. 33(4), 469-476, Jul.-Aug. 2011.
Giang P.Q., Nakhapakorn K., and Ussawarujikulchai A. Effectiveness of different spatial interpolators in estimating heavy metal contamination in shallow groundwater. A case study of arsenic contamination in Hanoi, Vietnam. Environment and Natural Resources J. Vol 9, No.1. 2011.
Srisuwan S., Liangrocapart S., and Nakhapakorn K. The estimation of Teak Plantation biomass from Landsat TM data: a case study in Prachinburi province. Engineering Transactions Vol: 12:1, 2009. pp. 69-75.
Najibullah Y., Nakhapakorn K.,and Bhaktikul K., A. Strategic Response to the water crises: examining the application of integrated water resource management in Afghanistan. Environment and Natural Resources J. Vol 6: 2, 2008.
Nakhapakorn K., Jirakajohnkool S., Temporal and Spatial Autocorrelation Statistics of Dengue Fever. Dengue Bulletin, 2006, 30: 171-183.
Nakhapakorn K., Tripathi N., An Information Value based Analysis of Physical and Climatic Factors affecting Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) incidences. International Journal of Health Geographics, Vol. 4:13(8 June 2005). Online publication http://www.ij-healthgeographics.com/content/4/1/13.
Nakhapakorn K., Climate change impacts on Human Health. Trends Research in Science and Technology. Vol.1:1, July-December 2009. pp. 23-28.(in Thai)
Chanseng C., Nakhapakorn K., Chanseng U. and Sawanpanyalert P., Household surveillance mapping using GIS freeware. Journal of Public Health. Vol. 18 : 6 (Nov.-Dec. 2009).(in Thai)
Thanathanphon, W., Nakhapakorn, K., Phumjumnong, N., and Luengaram, V., Application of SWAN model in the Gulf of Thailand during typhoon Muifa. Thammasat J. of Science and Technology . Vol.: Jul.-Aug., 2010. (in Thai)
Payomyam, J., Nakhapakorn, K., Ussawarujikulchai, A. and Jirakajohnkool, S., Geoinformation technology for solid waste prediction from urbanization. Thammasat J. of Science and Technology . Vol.: Jul.-Aug., 2010. (in Thai)
Thanathanphon, W., Nakhapakorn, K. Application of SWAN model in the Gulf of Thailand during typhoon Muifa. Proceedings of the 36th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand. November 2010.
Nakhapakorn K., Pumijumnong N. and Jirakajohnkool S., Climate change impact on dengue fever in Thailand using spatial analysis . ASPRS 2010 Annual conference. San Diego, USA. 26-30 May 2010.
Payomyam J., Nakhapakorn K., Ussawarujikulchai A. and Jirakajohnkool S., Multi-criteria decision on solid waste management: case study: Chaopayasurasuk municipality, Chonburi. Proceedings of the 2nd EAU conference. Eastern University. Pathumthani, May 16, 2010. 107-121 pp.
Pompitak P., Nakhapakorn K., Nutmakul V., and Jirakajohnkul S., Urban Heat Island in Bangkok. Proceedings of the Annual conference on Space Technology and Geoinformation. Nonthaburi, Thailand. 16-18 December 2009.
Somwang Kurusarttra and Kanchana Nakhapakorn. 2009. Seasonal and Climate Factors for Dengue Epidemic in Chachoengsao province, Thailand . Proceeding of The 5th International Congress of Vector Ecology at Antalya, Turkey. October 11 16, 2009.
Somwang Kurusarttra and Kanchana Nakhapakorn. 2009. Identify potential effect of climate changes on dengue epidemic using spatial analysis in Chachoengsao province, Thailand . Proceeding of The 5th European Mosquito Control Association Workshop at Turin, Italy. March 9 13, 2009.
Najibullah Yamin, Kampanad Bhaktikul, Kanchana Nakhapakorn. A Study on Integrated Water Resource Management in Afghanistan. Proceedings of the Academic Conference at faculty of Environment and resource Studies, Mahidol university, 30-31 October 2008.
Arunrat N, Pumijumnong N., Limsakul, A., and Nakhapakorn, K. Coastal Erosion related to hydro-meteorological regimes at Pak Phanang bay, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, Proceedings of the Academic Conference at faculty of Environment and resource Studies, Mahidol university, 30-31 October 2008.
Nakhapakorn K., Tripathi N., Analysis of Spatial Factors affecting Dengue Epidemics using GIS in Thailand . Proceeding on 2005 International Symposium on Remote Sensing(ISRS), By Korean Society of Remote Sensing(KSRS), Jeju, Korea, October 12-14, 2005.
Nakhapakorn K., Tripathi N., GIS based analysis of spatial factors affecting DF/DHF epidemic . Proceeding on Map Asia 2005. August 22-26, 2005, Indonesia.
Nakhapakorn K., Tripathi N., An Information Value Approach to Relate Physical and Climatic Factors with Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) . Proceeding on Spatial Science Conference(SSC2005), September 12-16, 2005 Melbourne, Australia.
Tripathi N., Nakhapakorn K., Finding Spatial Relationship of Environmental and Climatic factors with Dengue Epidemic using GIS. Proceeding on First International Symposium on Area Informatics 2005 Potential of GIS/RS in Area Studies. The internet-based interactive video conferencing and remote lecture system between the AIT in Thailand and Kyoto University in Japan. March 24, 2005.
Nakhapakorn K., Tripathi N., Using GIS technology to identify risk area of Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Proceeding on Map India 2005, New Delhi, India, 7-9 February 2005.
Nakhapakorn K., Tripathi N., Nualchawee K., 2004. Analysis of Spatial Factors affecting Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) using GIS in Sukhothai, Thailand. Proceeding on The 25th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), by Asian Association on Remote Sensing(AARS) and GISTDA, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 22 - 26 November 2004.
Nakhapakorn K., Jirakajohnkool S., 2004. Hazard Zone Mapping Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in Sukhothai Province, Thailand. Proceeding on Geoengineering 2004, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16 October 2004.
Nakhapakorn K., Tripathi N., Nualchawee K., Kusanagi M., Pakpien P., 2003. Identify the Risk Factors in Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever(DHF) using GIS . Proceeding on The 24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), by Asian Association on Remote Sensing(AARS) and 2003 International Symposium on Remote Sensing(ISRS), Busan, Korea, 3 - 7 November 2003.