Environmental management
AI using Genetic algorithms
Low carbon community development
SD indicators
รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร. กัมปนาท ภักดีกุล
Associate Professor Dr.Kampanad Bhaktikul
คุณวุฒิ :
Ph.D. (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 0 2441 5000 ต่อ 1212
Research Interests
Developing improved methods for modeling complex water resources systems; current application areas are in surface water management, optimum planning and management of water resource system, real time equitable water allocation and water scheduling in complex irrigation systems under scarcity period using Genetic Algorithms and other adaptive systems, computer modeling for environmental management, and environmental impact assessment of water resource development, water-related disasters, tsunami disasters, integrated water resources management, environmental flows assessment, Salween, Mekong, and climate change adaptation.
Follows His Majesty King Bhumibols Works, Xuchatui Annual Journal, Royal Irrigation Department.
Bhaktikul, K., 2016. An Analysis on Natural Resources and Environmental Conflicts in Thailand: Peace within Conflicts., Promotion of Peaceful Society Program, Office of Peace and Good Governance, King Prajadhipoks Institute. pp.194-202.
Bhaktikul, K., 2016., Aroonsrimorakot, S., Sajadae, H., Mensin, S., 2016. The Development of Royal Project Community Towards Low Carbon Communities for Sustainable Future., Annual Conference of Royal Project and Highland Research and Development. Chiengmai. pp. 280-285.
Aroonsrimorakot, S., Bhaktikul, K., Arunlertaree, C. and Buadit, T. 2014. The Implementation of Low Carbon Activities in Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand. BITs 1st Annual Global Congress of Knowledge Economy-2014, Qingdao, Chaina. pp.178..
Toriman, M.E., Yun, L.Q.,Kamarudin, M.K.A., Aziz, N.A.A., Mokhtar, M., Elfithri, R. and Bhaktikul, K. 2014. Applying Seasonal Climate Trends To Agricultural Production in Tanjung Karang, Malaysia. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Vol.9, Issue 1 pp 119-126.
Pongpom, A., Bhaktikul, K., Wisawapipat, W. and Teartisup, P. 2014. Spatial Distribution of Potentially Toxic Toxic Trace Elements of Agricultural Soils in the Lower Central Plain of Thailand after the 2011 Flood. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 2012, BKK, pp 68-79.
Buadit, T., Aroonsrimarakot, S., Bhaktikul and Thavipoke, P. 2013. Biogas Production and Greenhouse Gases Reduction from Wastewater at Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Thailand. Sciverse SciencdDirect, APCBEE Procedia 5 (2013) pp.169-174. .
Pinichka, C., Bhaktikul, K., Sucharitakul, S. and Bundhamcharoen, K., 2013. Malaria epideMics under climate Change scenarios in Thailand. J. Environ. Res. 35(2), pp. 1-11 .
Seewiseng, L. Bhaktikul, K. Aroonlertaree, C. and Suaedee, W. 2012 The water footprint of oil palm crop in Phetchaburi province. International Journal of Renewable Energy, 2012. Vol.7 No.2 pp 49-54.
Bhaktikul, K. 2012. Plenary Speech on Technology and Innovation Adaptation under Floods 2011,Thailand The 2012 International (Spring) Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management, 13th -15th January 2012, Pattaya, Thailand. Main Themes: Creativity, Innovation, Technology Management and Green Design" Social and Behavioral Elsevier Procedia Sciences (Science Direct & Scopus- indexes)
Bhaktikul, K. 2012. State of Knowledge on Climate Change and Adaptation Activities in Thailand, Procedia-Social and Behavior Science. Version Number: 07/2011, (Science Direct & Scopus indexes) Bhaktikul K, Anujit R, To-im J. Estimation of Crop Coefficient of Corn (Kccorn) under Climate Change Scenarios Using Data Mining Technique. EnvironmentAsia, 2012; 5(1): 56-62
S. Charmondusit, K. Bhaktikul, C. Arunlertaree, W. Wisawapipat, C. Rattanapan, and K. Charmondusit. Problem Based Training Program on Industrial Ecology andEnvironment for the Sustainability Management of Industry, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 40 ( 2012 ) 31 36
Bhaktikul, K. 2011. Climate Change Adaptation and Activities Related to Water Resources in Thailand Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting 2011, 2nd Dec, Centara Grand Hotel, Bangkok.
Bhaktikul, K. and Munchaona, N. 2011.Watershed Ecological Carrying Capacity Analysis: A Case Study of Lam Phra Phloeng Sub-basin of Mekong, International Conference on Ecological Security: Climate Change and Socio-economic Policy Development Implications in The GMS, MFU, Chieng Rai, Thailand.
Tingsanchali, T., Suiadee, W., and Bhaktikul, K. 2011. Real-Time Rainfall and Flood Forecasting, in Ta Ta Pao River Basin, Thailand. (Invited paper), Proceeding of The 3rd International Conference of European Asian Civil Engineering Forum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 20th 22nd September 2011.
Bhaktikul, K. 2011.Science, Cosmology, and Metaphysics , Article Published in World Peace Congress 2010 Book Project. USA.
Bhaktikul, K., Soiprasert, S., and Sombunying, W. 2011. Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and WASAM model for Real Time Water Allocation: A case study of Song Phi Nong Irrigation Project , International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields (INWEPF) 4th Steering Meeting and Symposium, e- book free download.
Bhaktikul, K. 2011. Weak Point of Water Management in Thailand, NRCT Seminar, 4th March, Rama Garden, BKK.
Tingasanchali, T., Suiadee, W., and Bhaktikul, K. 2011. The Improvement of Flood Management System by Appropriate Reservoir Management and Real Time Warning System, A Case Study of Tha-Ta-Pao River Basin, Chumpon Province, Thailand., NRCT Seminar, 4th March, Rama Garden, BKK.
ภัทรประภา มณีโชติ, กัมปนาท ภักดีกุล, จำลอง อรุณเลิศอารีย์, วัชร เสือดี,2554 การศึกษาการจัดสรรน้ำของระบบอ่างเก็บน้ำในลุ่มน้ำปราจีนบุรี-บางปะกงด้วย Mike Basin Model. วิศวกรรมสารฉบับวิจัยและพัฒนา. 2011. PP. 39-44
Plathong, C., Bhaktikul, K. and Arunlertaree, C. 2010. Application of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT Model) to Model the Rainfall-Runoff at Prasae River Basin, Thailand, Proceeding of The International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science 4-6 December 2010, Singapore.
Bhaktikul, K. 2010. Mekong River Basin and The Changes, paper presented at Training Course on The Developing Capacity of Government officers for the practical Implementation of IWRM in Malaysia, 1-2 Dec 2010, Labuan, Sabah, Malaysia
Bhaktikul, K. 2010. "Mekong River Basin: Movement on Climate Change and Adaptation in Thailand Paper presented as a Special Lecture at Institute of Environment (Lestari), National University of Malaysia, 30th November, 2010, KL, Malaysia.
Plathong, C., Bhaktikul, K. and Arunlertaree, C. 2010. An Application of Water Uses Study Model (WUSMO) to Estimate the Irrigation Water Demand at Prasae Reservoir Project, Prasae River Basin, Thailand, Proceeding of The 3rd Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (TJIA 2010) Friday, 19th November, 2010 Symposion Hall, Nagoya University, Japan
Bulsathaporn, A., Bhaktikul, K., Arunlertaree, C., Sueadee, W., Suttigarn, A. 2010. The Application of Mathematical Models for an Environmental Flow Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) of Prachinburi-Bangpakong River, Proceeding of The 61 st International Executive Council Meeting and the 6th Asian Regional Conference of International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage Yogyakarta, Indonesia 10th -16th October .
Jai-In, S., Laohasiriwongs, S., Amaranun, P. Bhaktikul, K., and Nilubol, S. 2010. Electric Power : Thailands Crisis with Opportunity of Lao PDR., Proceeding of Mekong Conference at Chieng Rai, Toyota Foundation, BKK. Thailand (Kasetsiri, C., and La-Ong-Sri, K. :Editors).
Bhaktikul,K. (as National Expert Team Leader), To-Im, J., Induwongs, N., Gajaseni, J. and Pumijamnong, N., 2009 The Final Country Review Report: Activities of Thailand with Respect to Climate Change and Adaptation in The Lower Mekong Basin, March 2009, MRC.
Bhaktikul, K., Noimunwai, W., Chinvanno, S. 2009. Estimation of Crop Evapotranspiration: Rice, Maize and Sugarcane under Climate Change using Data Mining Technique, Proceedings of 4th THAICID National Symposium (Irrigation and Productivity: Challenge in Food, Energy and Environment, Thailand Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, BKK, pp 133-140.
Kijpayung, A. Wudhiwanit, W. Bhaktikul, K. 2009. Application of Genetic Algorithms for Determining the Optimal Pipe Size, Journal of Engineering, Kasetsart University, BKK, pp 66-2 to 66-12.
Thanit, T., and Bhaktikul, K. 2009. An Application of Genetic Algorithm for Pipe System Water Allocation at Raok Reservoir in Rayong Province. Proceedings of 4th THAICID National Symposium, Irrigation and Productivity: Challenge in Food, Energy and Environment, Thailand National Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, BKK, pp 16-32.
Bulsathaporn, A., Bhaktikul, K., Arunlertaree, C., Sueadee, W., Suttigarn, A. 2009. The Application of Mathematical Models for an Environmental Flow Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) of Prachinburi-Bangpakong River, Proceedings of 4th THAICID National Symposium, Irrigation and Productivity: Challenge in Food, Energy and Environment, Thailand National Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, BKK, pp 80-94.
Sarapin, P. Bhaktikul, K. Arunlertaree, C., and Kongjan, T. 2009. Calibration of QUAL2Kw Model with Genetic Algorithms to Evaluate Waste Loading in Lam Takong River, Proceedings of 4th THAICID National Symposium, Irrigation and Productivity: Challenge in Food, Energy and Environment, Thailand National Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, BKK, pp 95-106.
Rittima, A., Bhaktikul, K., and Kongjan, T. 2009. Capacity Building Needs Assessment in Integrated Water Resources Management of Thailand. Proceeding of 14th National Civil Engineering Meeting, Technology Suranaree University of Technology, 13th-15th May, Nakhon Ratchasima.
Bhaktikul, K. 2008. Climate Change Study and Its Impacts on Evapotranspiration in Thailand. Interregional Training of Trainers on IWRM as a Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change, Panama City. Panama. 4th - 8th August. CapNet, UNDP.
Bhaktikul, K. 2008. Climate Change Study and Impacts in SE Asia. Interregional Training of Trainers on IWRM as Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change Acting Today, Preparing For Tomorrow Kuala Lumpur, 37 Nov, CapNet, UNDP.
Bhaktikul, K. 2008. Mekong - Salween : International Water Courses that Might be Used, Cholakorn J.- Xuchati day, Irrigation Engineering Alumni under Royal Patronage, pp. 55-63.
Bhaktikul, K. 2008. Mekong-Salween : The Two International Rivers of Southeast Asia, Proceeding of The Seminar onMekong - Salween : Peoples, Waters, and the Golden Land of Suvarnabhumi / Southeast Asia, Chiengmai 23-24 November 2006,.Toyota Foundation, BKK. pp.1-27.ISBN : 978-974-13-9111-0
Bhaktikul, K.2008. Salween-Mekong : International Water Laws in Mekong-Salween Context, Proceeding ofThe Seminar onMekong - Salween: Peoples, Waters, and the Golden Land of Suvarnabhumi / Southeast Asia, Chiengmai, 23-24 November 2006,. Toyota Foundation, BKK. pp 35-75. ISBN : 978-974-13-9111-2
Ratmanee, M., Bhaktikul, K.,. Kongjan, T., and Eamsiri, A., 2008. Estimation of Suspended Sediment Volumes Using Artificial Neural Networks: the Upper Lum Ta Kong Basin, Nakorn Ratchasima Province, Thailand. Journal of Environmental Management.
Kongjan, T., Bhaktikul, K., Rittima, A., and Prachayasittikul, L. 2008. Capacity Building Needs Assessment on IWRM :Case Study of Thailand, Civil Engineering Magazine, The Engineering Institute of Thailand under H.M.The Kings Patronage, 20(2) pp. 45-55, Mar- Apr, 2008, ISSN 0858-0774
Bhaktikul, K., Bosuwan, K. Thanomsinrat, A. 2008. Water Resources Management for Multiple Reservoir Operation at H.M Kings Project Petchaburi, Cha-Am. Proceedings of 3rd THAICID National Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources and Environmental Management, 17th June 2008, pp 114-125.
Noimunwai, W.. Bhaktikul, K. Pumijumnong, N., Nantasenamart, C. and Chinawanno, S. 2008. Estimation of Potential Evapotranspiration (ETo) under Climate Change using Data Mining: Case study of Thailand, Proceeding of Annual Conference of Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University. 30th 31st Oct.
Bosuwan, K. Bhaktikul, K. Wuthiwanit, W. Chernagsorn, S. 2008. Application of Genetic Algorithms for Multiple Reservoir Operation : Case Study of Huai Sai Project Under H.M. Kings Project Cha-Am, Pethchaburi, Proceeding of Annual Conference of Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University. 30th 31st Oct.
Yamin, N., Nakhapakorn, K., and Bhaktikul, K. 2008. A strategic Response to the Water Crisis: Examining the Application of Integrated Water Resource Management in Afghanistan, Environment and Natural Resources Journal Vol. 6. 1(2008) pp. 19-35.
Bhaktikul, K. Chufamanee, P. Chaokunha, B., and Dyhr-Nielsen, M 2007. Challenges on Bang Pakong RiverBasin Management, Paper presented and published for Southeast Asia Water Forum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22 - 26 October 2007
Bhaktikul, K. 2007. Climate Change, Disasters and Future Management in Thailand, Regional Training of Trainers on Integrated Water Resource Management, Davao City, The Philippines. 17th October. CapNet, UNDP.
Rittima A. , Bhaktikul, K.., Kongjan, T., and Prachayasittikul, L. 2007. Capacity Building Needs in Integrated Water Resources Management: Case of Thailand, Paper presented and published for Seminar on Training of Trainers on Capacity Building Network Assessment, 3-7 September 2007, Bandung City, Indonesia.
Patcharanuntawat, P., Bhaktikul, K., Navanugraha, C., and Kongjan, T. 2007. Optimization for Cash Crop Planning Using Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study of Upper Mun Basin, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields INWEPF 4th Steering Meeting and Symposium: July 5-7, 2007 The Emerald Hotel BKK, Thailand.
Sansena, T., and Bhaktikul, K. 2007. The Application of Hydraulic Model with Geographic Information System To Create Flood Risk Mapping In Mae Klong River. International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields INWEPF 4th Steering Meeting and Symposium: July 5-7, 2007 The Emerald Hotel BKK,Thailand.
Iamnarongrit, T., Bhaktikul, K., Navanugraha, C., And Kongjun, T. 2007. Application of Neuro-Genetic Optimizer for Sediment Forecasting In Lam Phra Phloeng Reservoir. International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields INWEPF 4th Steering Meeting and Symposium: July 5-7, 2007 The Emerald Hotel BKK, Thailand.
Bhaktikul, K., Soiprasert, S., and Sombunying, W. 2007. Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and WASAM model for Real Time Water Allocation: A case study of Song Phi Nong Irrigation Project. International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields INWEPF 4th Steering Meeting and Symposium: July 5-7, 2007 The Emerald Hotel BKK, Thailand.
Bhaktikul, K. 2007. Regional Universities and Socio-Economic Development in the Mekong Sub-region. The 1st International Seminar of the Lower Mekong Universities Network on Socio-Economic Corridor of the Lower Mekong Sub-region: Retrospect for the Future.
Namchaiswadwong, K., Bhaktikul, K., Kongjan, T. 2006. Optimization of Multiple Reservoir Release Using Genetic Algorithms : Case Study of Mae Klong River Basin, Thailand; 57th IEC Meeting, 10th-17th Sep, Malaysia.
Namchaiswadwong, K., Bhaktikul, K., Kongjan, T.2006. Optimization of Multiple Reservoir Release Using Genetic Algorithms : Case Study of Mae Klong River Basin, Thailand; A Seminar on Irrigation Technologies for Sustainable Agricultural Development, 7thAug, Xuchati Khambhu Hall, Royal Irrigation Department. Bhaktikul, K.2006. Guidelines for Water Allocation Among Competing Users, A Public Policy Conference of Prachinburi-Bangpakong, 1st July, Prachinburi Meeting Hall.
Bhaktikul, K.2006. Mekong: Dam, Roads, Development?, and Globalisation, Proceeding of The Seminar on Mekong Basin: Crisis-Development-Alternatives, Organised by Toyota Foundation, and The Foundation for the Promotion of Social Sciences and Humanities Textbook Project, 25-26 January, Nong Khai.
Bhaktikul, K. 2006. National Basic Needs of Infrastructures and Facility for Water. A Seminar on Mega-Projects on Water Management. Launched by National Economic and Advisory Council, 21st February.
Bhaktikul, K.2006. Voice from Salween, A Paper Published for A Year Book of Southeast Asian Studies Student, Thammasat University Alumni.
Bhaktikul, K. 2006. Report on Policy Investigative Study of Salween Dam Project, A Summary Book of Appeals, Sub-committee in Natural Resources Based under Committee on Social Development and Human Sustainability, National Senate Committee. pp 148-169.
Bhaktikul, K. 2006. Report on Policy Investigative Study of Mekong, A Summary Book of Appeals, Sub-committee in Natural Resources Based under Committee on Social Development and Human Sustainability, National Senate Committee. pp 129-147.
Bhaktikul, K. 2006. Report on Policy Investigative Study of Water Balance Analysis of Pasak Dam for Kaeng Koi Power Plant, A Summary Book of Appeals, Sub-committee in Natural Resources Based under Committee on Social Development and Human Sustainability, National Senate Committee.pp 117-128.
Thong Sa-nga, S., Bhaktikul, K., and Chufamanee, P. 2006. Report on Policy Investigative of Mekong, A Summary Book of Appeals, Sub-committee in Natural Resources Based under Committee on Social Development and Human Sustainability, National Senate Committee. pp 69-77.
Thong Sa-nga, S., Bhaktikul, K., and Chufamanee, P. 2006. Report on Policy Investigative of Salween Dams Project, A Summary Book of Appeals, Sub-committee in Natural Resources Based under Committee on Social Development and Human Sustainability, National Senate Committee. pp 78-115.
Bhaktikul, K. 2006. Report on Policy Investigative Study of National 25 River Basins Development Plans, A Summary Book of Appeals, Sub-committee in Natural Resources Based under Committee on Social Development and Human Sustainability, National Senate Committee. pp 69-77.
Bhaktikul, K. 2006. Water Resources Management, National Requirement Concepts, Environment Newsletter,14(62)7. ISSN 0858-794. FERS, Mahidol University. Mar-Apr.
Bhaktikul, K. 2005. Idol of Integrated Water Resources Management in Thailand, Seminar on 25 Basin Development Plan and People Participation, 23 Sep and 7 Oct, 2005, Thai Parliament.
Bhaktikul, K. 2005. Important of water for The Achievement of World Kitchen Policy, Food and Water: Factors for Sustainable. Annual Publication of Healthy Promotion Institute.
Bhaktikul, K. To-im, J., and Thanomsinrat, A. 2005. Post-Tsunamis Rapid EIA on Water Resources at Southern Peninsular, Thailand, Paper Presented at Faculty of Science, Mahidol University. http://www.en.mahidol.ac.th/tsunami/tsunami_report.html
Bhaktikul, K. 2005. Devotion to M.L Xuchati Centenial with Works, Cholakorn J.- Xuchati day, Irrigation Engineering Alumni under Royal Patronage, pp.89-97. Namchaiswadwong, K., Bhaktikul, K., Chatpunyacharoen, V., and Suadee, W. 2005. The Application of Genetic Algorithm to Multiple Reservoir Releases, Cholakorn J.- Xuchati day, Irrigation Engineering Alumni under Royal Patronage, pp.145-156.
Wardlaw,R.W., and Bhaktikul, K. 2004. Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Linear Programming Approaches for Lateral Canal Scheduling, J. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 130(4)311-317. http://scitation.aip.org/iro/
Wardlaw, R.W., and Bhaktikul, K. 2004. Application of Genetic Algorithms for Irrigation Water Scheduling. J. of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, John Wiley & Sons. http://www.interscience.wiley.com
Bhaktikul, K., and Rewtarkulpaibool, L. 2004. Study of Conflicts and Solutions in a Non-integrated Irrigation Management System: A Case Study of Songkla River Basin, Paper presented at 9thGWP Consulting Partners Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10th Jun.
Rewtarkulpaibool, L., and Bhaktikul, K. 2004. Integrated and Non-integrated Water Resource Management: New Dimension that Must Turn Back to See. Case Study of Songkla Lake, Kasetsart University, Engineering Alumni.
Bhaktikul, K. 2004. Genetic Programming with C Cholakorn J.- Xuchati day, Irrigation Engineering Alumni under Royal Patronage, pp.101-110. ISBN 974-91836-0-6
Tingsanchali, T., and Bhaktikul, K. 2004. Application of Genetic Algorithm in Irrigation Scheduling. Proceeding of The International Conference Water India-4 on Water Resource Development- Flood Control, Irrigation, Drinking Water, Water Ways, Electric Power and IOts Transmission System. 3th- 4th Feb, Hotel Hyatt Regency, New Delhi, India. http://www.indiapower.org/events_cwrd.htm
Bhaktikul, K. 2003. Application of GA to scheduling of lateral canals grouping, Proceeding of the 30th Anniversary and Annual Conference35-46. ISBN 974-05-0282-2.FERS, Mahidol University. 19th-20th Jun,Chulabhorn Research Institute, BKK. pp.35-46 http://www.cri.or.th/~estm/publications/2003- D11.htm
Bhaktikul, K. 2003. Strength and Weakness of Warning and Forecasting System on Water Related Disaster in Thailand, Environment Newsletter,11(45)11. ISSN 0585-794. FERS, MU. Mar-Apr.
Bhaktikul, K. 2003. Strength and Weakness of Warning and Forecasting System on Water Related Disaster in Thailand, Environment Newsletter,11(44)6. ISSN 0858-794. FERS, MU. Jan-Feb.
Bhaktikul, K. 2003. A Story of a Waterman as a Royal Thai Government Scholarship Student in UK at IMF Period, Cholakorn J. - Welcome Waterman'58, 117-128.
Bhaktikul, K. 2003. Applications of Genetic Algorithms for Water Resources Management, Cholakorn J.- Xuchati day, Irrigation Engineering Alumni under Royal Patronage, pp. 128-144.
Brockelman, Y.W., and Bhaktikul, K. 2003. MEKONG: THE RIVER OF LIFE: What Are the Impacts? What will be Lost in Southeast Asia? A Seminar Program at The Siam Society, 11th Oct, http://www.siam-society.org/event/lecturedetail.asp?id=55
Charoenporn, A., Bhaktikul, K., Gajaseni, N., and Saguanwong, P. 2003. Environmental Economic Valuation of Teak Plantation in Thailand: Case Study of Thongphaphum Teak Plantation (TTP), Kanchanaburi Province. Proceeding of the 30th Anniversary and Annual Conference ISBN 974-05-0282-2.FERS, MU. 19th-20th June, Chulabhorn Research Institute, BKK. pp.322-334. http://www.cri.or.th/~estm/publications/2003-D08.htm Thesis Abstract FGS, MU. ISBN 974-04-3318-9 http://www.grad.mahidol.ac.th/share/thesis/showup.php?gp=6&fac=18&maj=146&lang=en
Cherdchoo, K, Poothong, S., Suwanich, P., and Piyapongse, P. 2003. Inland Sand Deposit Classification for Construction: A Case Study of Wat-Sing District Chainat Province. Thesis Abstract FGS, MU. ISBN 974-04-3554-8 http://www.grad.mahidol.ac.th/share/thesis/showup.php?gp=6&fac=18&maj=146&lang=en Sansena, T. Bhaktikul, K., Kulpradit, K., and Khao-uppatum, V. 2003. The Application of Hydraulic Model with Geographic Information System for Obtaining Data to Create Flood Risk Mapping in the Upper Part of Mae Kong River. Thesis Abstract FGS, MU. ISBN 974-04-4622-1 http://www.grad.mahidol.ac.th/share/thesis/showup.php?gp=6&fac=18&maj=9&lang=en
Supmaneenan, N., Bhaktikul, K., Thavipoke, P., and Boonkird, V. 2003. A Study on the Consumptive Use of Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce, and Duckweed. Proceeding of the 30th Anniversary and Annual Conference35-46. ISBN 974-05-0282-2.FERS, MU. 19th-20th Jun, Chulabhorn Research Institute, BKK. pp.474-485. http://www.cri.or.th/~estm/publications/2003-D10.htm Thesis Abstract FGS, MU. ISBN 974-04-3380-4 http://www.grad.mahidol.ac.th/share/thesis/showup.php?gp=6&fac=18&maj=146&lang=en
Sittilert, C., Bhaktikul, K., Poungsomlee, A., Santasombat, Y., and Palayasoot, P. 2003. A Capability Study of Water Users Organizations in Water Management: A Case Study of Mae-Taeng Irrigation Project. Thesis Abstract FGS, MU. ISBN 974-04-3870-9 http://www.grad.mahidol.ac.th/share/thesis/showup.php?gp=6&fac=18&maj=12&lang=en Tingsanchali, T., and Bhaktikul, K. 2003. Analysis of Ecohydrology of Soil Moisture Balance for Irrigation Scheduling. Proceeding of The 2nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Ecohydrology. 21st-26th Jul, Cibinong, West Java, Indonesia. http://www.limnologi.lipi.go.id/eco/Sci_ses.htm
Before 2002
Bhaktikul, K. 2002. Strength and Weakness of Warning and Forecasting System on Water Related Disaster in Thailand, Environment Newsletter, 11(43)6. ISSN 0858-7094. FERS, MU. Nov-Dec.
Bhaktikul, K. 2001. An application of artificial intelligence using natural selection theory of Charles Darwin for water management, J. of Ecosystem Perspectives, 28(3)22-35. ISSN 0125 8990. FERS, MU.
Wardlaw, R.W., and Bhaktikul, K. 2001. Application of a Genetic Algorithm for water allocation problem in an irrigation system, J. of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 50(2)159-170.. John Wiley & Sons. ISSN 1531-0353. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com
Bhaktikul, K., and Wardlaw, R.W. 2001. Application of GA to a lateral canal scheduling problem, Proceeding of the 28th Annual Conference. FERS, MU. 26th Sep, Royal City Hotel, BKK.
Bhaktikul, K. 2000. Application of A Genetic Algorithm to water allocation in an irrigation canal system, Paper presented on Postgraduate Research in Hydraulics and Hydrology in Scotland: 12thJan, Scottish Hydraulics Study Group & Scottish Hydrological Group. Strathclyde University, UK.
Bhaktikul, K. 1999. Application of Genetic Algorithm to water allocation in an irrigation canal system, Paper presented on 9th Postgraduate Symposium, British Hydrological Society, Bristol University, Bristol, UK.
Bhaktikul, K. 1995. Natural Resources Development and Environmental Management for Upper Mekong Basin and Pearl River Delta: Water Balance Study, Paper presented on The Sino-Thai Workshop: 7th -16th May, Yunnan, China.
Boonkird, V., Suwachirat, B., Pongsuwan, S., Khao-Upatam, V., Piyasirinond, B., Kamchoo, M., Punyawateenan, C., and Bhaktikul, K. 1994. Analyses of research works for irrigation development in the next decade, Cholasarn J., The 51th Anniversary of Irrigation Department Union, September 9th, Royal Irrigation Department, BKK.
Bhaktikul, K. 1993. Environmentalist: for better understanding. Western Waterman J., Royal Irrigation Department. BKK.
Patcharanuntawat, P., and Bhaktikul, K. 2007. GACP, Genetic Algorithms for Crop Planning Copyright No.157366. Intellectual Property Department, THA.
Bhaktikul, K. 2004. GAWS-2004, Genetic Algorithms for Water Scheduling. Version 2004. Copyright No.80743. Intellectual Property Department, THA.
Bhaktikul, K. and. Wardlaw, R.W. 2004 GAWT-2004, Genetic Algorithms for Water Scheduling Plus Time Function. Version 2004. Copyright No.80744. Intellectual Property Department, THA. Bhaktikul, K. and. Wardlaw, R.W. 2004 GAWA-2004, Genetic Algorithms for Water Allocation.
Version 2004. Copyright No.80745. Intellectual Property Department, THA. Bhaktikul, K. and. Wardlaw, R.W. 2004. GAWM-2004, Genetic Algorithms for Water Scheduling with Soil Moisture Balance Model. Version 2004. Copyright No.80746. Intellectual Property Department, THA.
Bhaktikul, K. and Hinchirananda, P. Rehabilitation of Landscape Project of Royal Irrigation Department at Pak Kred, Nonthaburi. 2016.
Bhaktikul, K. and Wisawapipat, W., Post 2011 Flood Database on Organic and Inorganic Pollutants of Sediment in Chao Phraya River. 2012 2016.
Bhaktikul, K., Sueidee, W. 2014. Multiple Reservoir Operation of Huaisai Center for Development Study under The King Project Phase2, Petchburi Province.
Bhaktikul,K. (as National Expert Team Leader), To-Im, J., Induwongs, N., Gajaseni, J. and Pumijamnong, N., 2009 The Final Country Review Report: Activities of Thailand with Respect to Climate Change and Adaptation in The Lower Mekong Basin, March 2009, MRC.
Bhaktikul, K., Kongjan, T., Me-Saengnil, S., and Pratchayasitthikul, L. 2008. The Study of Dam Project at Chi-Basin, Chaiyapum. Final Report, NESAC, BKK, Prepared by FERS, MU.
Arjharn, W, Kongjan, T. Bhaktikul, K., Me-Saengnil, S. 2007. The Study of Water Resources Development and Environmental Study at Nakhon Ratchasma and Chiyapum, Final Report, NESAC, BKK, Prepared by FERS, MU.
Tingsanchali, T., Rewtrakulpibul, L., Bhaktikul, K., 2006. The Development of Flood Management System under Appropriate Reservoir Operation and Real Time Flood Forecasting and Warning at Pasak Basin, AIT, IDI, and FERS, MU, BKK..
Bhaktikul, K., Thanomsinrat, A., Bhosuwan, K. 2006. Multiple Reservoir Operation of Huaisai Center for Development Study under The King Project, Petchburi Province.
Pumijamnong, N., Bhaktikul, K., Pinjongsakuldit, A., Srisupanun, M., Suwanich, P., Arunlertaree, C. and Rojanakanun, R. 2005. Effect of the Tsunami on the Pra Tong Island Ecosystem, FERS, MU.
Bhaktikul, K., To-im, J., and Thanomsinrat, A. 2005. Post-Tsunamis Rapid EIA on Water Resources at Southern Peninsular, Thailand., Research Report, FERS, MU.
Rewtarkulpaibool, L., Bhaktikul, K., Suepsahakarn, R., and Pratyasitthikul, L. 2004. Development of Master Plan for Songkla River Basin Development: Irrigation System Study. Irrigation Development Institute. Nonthaburi.(Final Report)
Bhaktikul, K. et.al. 2003. Development of Master Plan for Management of Water-related Natural Disasters: Floods, Droughts and Landslides, Working group of Flood Warning and Forecasting, Thailand Research Fund.(Final Report)
Bhaktikul, K. 2001. The Development of a Genetic Algorithm for Real Time Water Allocation and Water Scheduling in Complex Irrigation Systems. Ph.D. Thesis. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Bhaktikul, K. 1996. Water balance study, Environmental study of Suphanburi province, FERS, MU.
Bhaktikul, K. 1996. Water balance study, Environmental study of Rajaburi province, FERS, MU.
Bhaktikul, K. 1996. The study on environmental impact assessment of Fang Electrical Power Plant: Water resource hydrology; water management and water use, flood control and drainage, FERS, MU.
Prajamwong, S., and Bhaktikul, K. 1996. Post-investigation of hydraulic effect, The environmental impact study of Rasrisalai diversion dam, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, MU.
Suwachirat, B., Boonkird V., Pongsuwan S., Khao-Upatam, V., Piyasirinond, B., Kamchoo, M., Punyawateenan, C., and Bhaktikul, K. 1995. Analysis on technological needs for irrigation development in the next decade, Phase 2 report, National Research Council of Thailand.
Bhaktikul, K. 1995. The study on criteria for specification of irrigation project using Expert Choice, Operation and Maintenance Division, Royal Irrigation Department. BKK.
Suwachirat, B., Boonkird, V., Pongsuwan, S., Khao-Upatam, V., Piyasirinond, B., Kamchoo, M., Punyawateenan, C., and Bhaktikul, K. 1995. Analysis on technological needs for irrigation development in the next decade, Phase 1 report, National Research Council. BKK.
Bhaktikul, K. 1994. Water balance study of Southern Sea Board Development Project, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, MU.
Khao-Upatam, V., and Bhaktikul, K. 1994. The study on environmental impact assessment of lower central combined cycle, Rajaburi Power Plant Project: water resource hydrology; water management and water use, flood control and drainage, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, MU.
Bhaktikul, K.1992. Strategy workshop on irrigated agriculture in Southeast Asia beyond 2000, Paper presented in Indonesia, Royal Irrigation Department. BKK.
Bhaktikul, K.1992. The Possibility Study on Utilization of Drained Water From Giant Freshwater Prawn' Pond in Rice Production. M.Sc. Thesis. Graduate Studies, MU.
Bhaktikul, K. 1991. Feasibility study of Bangpluang rehabilitation project, Engineering Branch, Operation and Maintenance Division, Royal Irrigation Department, BKK.
Punyawateenan, C., and Bhaktikul, K. 1990. The study on irrigation water use in integrated farm pond and paddy field area, Thailand Res. on Irri. Mgmt. Network.