ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร. เพียงใจ พีระเกียรติขจร
Assistant Professor Dr. Piangjai Peerakiatkhajohn
คุณวุฒิ :
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia
M.Sc. Environmental Technology, JGSEE, King Mongkut?s University of Technology Thonburi
B.Sc. Environmental Science and Technology, Mahidol University
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 441 5000 ext 1234
Research Interests
- Functional nanomaterials for energy and environmental applications
- Renewable energy technology
- Air pollution control and Climate change
- Water and wastewater treatment technology
- Solid waste management and Waste-to-energy
- Microplastics in environment
- Catalysts and Sorbents for environmental applications
Butburee, T., Sun, Z., Centeno, A., Xie, F., Zhao, Z., Wu, D., Peerakiatkhajohn, P., Thaweesak, S., Wang ,H., & Wang, L. (2019). Improved CO2 photocatalytic reduction using a novel 3-component heterojunction. Nano Energy, 62, 426-433. (Impact factor 15.5)
Thaweesak, S., Wang, S., Lyu, M., Xiao, M., Peerakiatkhajohn, P., & Wang, L. (2017). Boron-doped graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets for enhanced visible light photocatalytic water splitting. Dalton Trans, 46, 10714-10720. (Impact factor 4.06)
Wang, S., Yun, J., Luo, B., Butburee ,T., Peerakiatkhajohn, P., Thaweesak, S., Xiao, M., & Wang, L. (2017). Recent Progress on Visible Light Responsive Heterojunctions for Photocatalytic Applications. J Mater Sci Technol, 33, 1-22. (Impact factor 5.04)
Peerakiatkhajohn, P., Yun, J., Chen ,H., Lyu, M., Butburee, T., & Wang, L. (2016). Stable Hematite Nanosheet Photoanodes for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. Adv Mater, 28, 6405 -6410. (Impact factor 25.8)
Thaweesak S., Lyu M., Peerakiatkhajohn P., Butburee T., Luo B., Chen H., & Wang L. (2016). Two-Dimensional g-C3N4/Ca2Nb2TaO10 Nanosheet Composites for Efficient Visible Light Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. Appl Catal B, 202, 184-190. (Impact factor 14.2)
Zhao Z., Butburee T., Peerakiatkhajohn P., Lyu M., Wang S., Wang L. & Zheng H. (2016). Etching Treatment of Vertical WO3 nanoplates as Photoanode for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance. RSC Adv, 2016, 6, 68204- 68210. (Impact factor 3.04)
Zhao Z., Butburee T., Peerakiatkhajohn P., Lyu M., Wang S., Wang L. & Zheng H. (2016). Carbon Quantum Dots sensitized Vertical WO3 Nanoplates with Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Properties. ChemistrySelect, 1, 2772-2777. (Impact factor 1.7)
Peerakiatkhajohn, P., Yun, J., Wang, S., & Wang, L. (2016). Review of recent progress in unassisted photoelectrochemical water splitting: from material modification to configuration design. J Photons Energy, 7, 12006-12021. (Impact factor 2.2)
Peerakiatkhajohn P., Butburee T., Yun J., Chen H., & Wang L. (2015). A Hybrid Photoelectrode with Plasmonic Au@TiO2 Nanoparticles for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. J. Mater Chem A, 3, 20127-20133. ( Impact factor 10.7, Highlighted cover artwork)
Ussawarujikulchai, A., Peerakiatkhajohn P., & Hansuk, P. (2011), Zero Waste Management in Mahidol University Salaya Campus. J. Environ Manage, 7, 17-29.
Peerakiatkhajohn P., Chawengkijwanich C., Onreabroy W., & Chiarakorn S. (2012), Novel Photocatalytic Ag/TiO2 Thin Film on Polyvinyl Chloride for gaseous BTEX Treatment. Mater Sci Forum, 712,133-137.
Peerakiatkhajohn P., Chawengkijwanich C., Onreabroy W., &Chiarakorn S. (2011), Preparation of visible-light-responsive TiO2 doped Ag thin film on PET plastic for BTEX Treatment. J. Sustain Energ Environ, 2, 121-125.
Petty patent: Nanomaterial applied for environmental problems, especially indoor air pollution in topic of Preparation of visible-light-responsive TiO2 doped Ag thin film on plastic material.