ดร. รัตนะ บุลประเสริฐ
Dr.Rattana Boonprasert
คุณวุฒิ :
B.Agri.Tech (Landscape Technology)
M.Sc. (Agricultural Resources and Environmental Management)
Ph.D. (Geoinformatics)
Cert. Geographically Integrated Natural Disaster Managements
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 0 2441 5000 ต่อ 2209
Research Interests
GIS modelling,Remote Sensing and GPSPlant Geographic
Wild Orchid
Evaluation Suitability of Agricultural
Application and Development on GIS and Remote Sensing for Natural Resource and Environmental Management
Socio economic
Research2010-2011: Geo-informatics system of medicinal plants from Lanna alphabet
2010-2011: Comparison of genetic variatio of Cheirostylis at Plant Genetic Conservation Project under the Royal Initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Area Khao Wang Khamen, Kanchanaburi Province
Swangpol,S.,Boonprasert,R.,Yanisarapunt,Rotchanapreeda,T., Atawongsa,K., and Wongniam,S. (2011) Phylogeographic patterns of native banana species (Musa L., Musaceae) in Thailand. Internationl congress on IBC2011 XVII.Melbourne Australia.23-30 July 2011. 335p.
[Online].Available: http://www.ibc2011.com/downloads/IBC2011_Abstract_Book.pdf
Boonprasert,R. (2009) Application of geoinformatics technique in evaluation suitability of agricultural land in small watershed area: case study Mae Kuang watershed, Chiang Mai, Thailand. PhD thesis. School of Remote Sensing, Institute of Science Suranaree University of Technology. 167 p.
[Online].Available: http://sutir.sut.ac.th:8080/sutir/handle/123456789/3369
Boonprasert,R.,Boonjung,H.,Ongsomwang,S. and Sarapirome,S. (2008) " GIS-based model to evaluate recent past past-to to-present trend of land use case study of Mae Kwang watershed, Chiang Mai, Thailand". International Conference on Mapping and Geo-informatics "Tackling GLOBAL CHANGE with Geo-Informatics" By Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Public Organization). Bangkok, January 21 23, 2008 (in Thai)