ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร. จงดี โตอิ้ม
Assistant Professor Dr.Jongdee To-im
คุณวุฒิ :
M.Sc. (Information Technology),
Ph.D. (Science and Technology Education)
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : 0 2441 5000 ต่อ 1232
Research Interests
Eco-informaticsEnvironmental Education
Science Education
Environmental Management Information System
Health Impact Assessment Network
Courseware Development for Distance Learning
Water Management and Restoration
Sustainable Development
Local Knowledge for Environmental Management
International publications1. To-im J, Chaiboonchoe K. The Development of Integrated Learning Package on Mangrove Ecosystems for Secondary School Students in Samutsongkhram Province, Thailand. IJL. 2012; 18(8): 153-162.
2.To-im J, Klunklueng A. A Firefly Learning Module for Environmental Sustainable Development in Samutsongkhram Province, THAILAND. IEJEEGreen. 2012; 2(1): 37-63.
3.Bhaktikul K, Anujit R, To-im J. Estimation of Crop Coefficient of Corn (Kccorn) under Climate Change Scenarios Using Data Mining Technique. EnvironmentAsia, 2012; 5(1): 56-62.
4.To-im J, Tianchai C, Tianchai, N, Ketpichainarong W, Jittam P, Sriwattanarothai N, et al. Using a local water problem as case-based scenario to encourage Thai grade 8 students’ learning of science. The International Journal of Learning. 2010; 17(6):157-163.
5.To-im, J., & Ruenwongsa, P., (2009). Guided Inquiry Learning Unit on Aquatic Ecosystems For Seventh Grade Students. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Science Education, 38, 106-114.
6.To-im J., & Ruenwongsa, P. (2007, November). Bottle ecosystem activity: Exploring lower secondary students’ understanding of ecosystems. In Proceeding from ICASE Asian Symposium 2007 “Science Education for All: Towards Sustainable Development Regardless of Resource”, Pattaya, Thailand.
7. Nursing Administrator and Nursing Information System Journal of Nursing Science Vol.19 No.2, April - June 2001 p. 9 - 22
Conference Abstracts
1. To-im, J. , Ruenwongsa, P., & Klunklung, A., (2007, January). An environment education model on water resources – local science. Paper presented at 17 th Congress on Science and Mathematics in School, Phetchabun, Thailand.
2. Ruenwongsa, P., & To-im, J. (2006, November). Mini aquaria: Exploring aquatic habitat dynamics . Paper presented at ICASE Asian Symposium, Singapore.
3. To-im, J. , Ruenwongsa, P., & Ratanapojnard, S. (2006, October). Development of environmental education learning model to enhance knowledge attitude and behavior on water resources of lower secondary school students in Samutsongkram province. Paper presented at 32 nd Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand.
4. To-im, J. , & Ledin, D. (2006, March). Water education – meeting learning goals and community needs. Paper presented at WSST (Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers) Conference: Science Safari, Convention Hall D, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI.
5. To-im, J. , Ruenwongsa, P., Niemi, K., & Williams, P. (2005, October). Enhancing first – year Thai student’s inquiry skills and ecological understanding by connecting to the natural world through ecosystem modeling. Paper presented at National Association of Biology Teachers Conference 2005 at University of Wisconsin Madison, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
6. To-im, J. , Wuttiprom, S., & Ratanapojnard, S. (January, 2005). Inquiry Based for Local Science Learning. Paper presented at 15 th Congress on Science and Technology in School. 26 – 29 2005. Suratthani, Thailand.
7. Jittivadhna, K., Suwanjinda, D., To-im, J. , Poomsripanon, J., Kaveevivithchai, C., Porntrai, S., Phornphisuthimas, S., Gerdprasert , S., Chanchaichaovivat, A., Panijpan, B., & Ruenwongsa, P. (2004, 19-21 October ). The Development of a Multimedia in Biology: Mutation. Paper presented at the 30 th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand.
8.Wuttiprom, S., To-im, J. , Jittivadhna, K., Ruangsuwan, C., Panijpan, B., Ruenwongsa, P., Chitaree, R., Emarat, N., Soankwan, C., & Arayathanitkul, K. (2004, 19-21 October). Using Role Play, Mind Mapping and Science Quiz Show to Develop Science Learning Model: Student Centered in Large Class Learning. Paper presented at the 30 th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand.
9. Poomsripanon, J., To-im, J. , Suwanjinda, D., Chitramvong, Y., Porntrai, S., Pornpisuthimas, S., & Chanchaichaowiwat, A. (2004, 19-21 October). The Student of Satisfactory Evaluation and Improvement of Instructional Model of Biology Laboratory in the Topic of Animal Tissue for First Year Undergraduate Students, Mahidol University. Paper presented at the 30 th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand.