In the early 1970s, Associate Professor Dr. Nart Tuntawiroon realized that Thailand had met a mixed success of pollution control and natural resource management, in particular the events of serious water pollution in Mae Klong River and the slaughter of wildife in Kanchanaburi province. In addition, pollution problems and resource depletion had become a transboundary issues. Therefore, there was an urgent need to set up a unique project in order to understand situations. In 1973, he founded the Environmental Education and Research Project under the permission of Mahidol University which located at Siriraj Hospital. In 1976, the Ford Foundation provided financial support to the Project to enhance its strength to take additional master students and to do more researches in the field of environmental management. The Project also moved to the new office on the sixth floor of Ratchasupamit Hotel, Lanluang Road, Bangkok. nart tuntawiroon
On 14 February 1978, the Project had permission from Mahidol University to develop into the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies. Clearly, the Faculty had developed itself in various aspects focusing more on curricula, researches, seminars and conferences, and training programs. In 1983, the Faculty moved from Ratchasupamitr Hotel to Salaya Campus, Nakhon Pathom province due to the support of Mahidol University to have its own place and a building. In 2005,the Faculty had 45 staff, 52 lecturers, and 411 students in all levels of 9 programs. Presently, number of our human resources and academic activities are increasing under quality assurance of Mahidol University and Ministry of Education so that the Faculty certainly reaches its aim for sustainable development.
Leader in Environmental Academic & Research Promoting Local, Regional and Global Sustainability
Advancing Excellence in Environmental Education, Research, and Academic Service
Leader in integrating and applying environmental knowledge to practice