September 19, 2022, 09.00 hrs, Associate Professor Dr. Sura Pattanakiat, Dean of Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies and Emeritus Professor Dr. Wariya Chinwanno, Director of Mahidol University International Demonstration School (MUIDS), signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Mahidol University by the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies and Mahidol University International Demonstration School, in the presence of honorable representatives from both institutions, led by Associate Professor Dr. Benjaphorn Prapagdee, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mr. Padungsak Sukpaiboon, Legal Advisor, and Miss Duangporn Kittisunthorn, Head of School Counselor, Student Services Department Mahidol University International Demonstration School. The objectives of the memorandum of understanding are to build an inter-institutional collaboration regarding the selection/ admission criteria and procedure for recruiting prospective MUIDS students into the Bachelor of Science Program in Natural Resources and Environmental Management (International Program) via direct admission system on a quota basis as well as the faculty’s participation in school counseling activities to introduce the program at Mahidol University International Demonstration School.
The signing ceremony was held at Nart Tuntawiroon Meeting Room, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University.