28 February 2024, Associate Professor Dr. Kitikorn Charmondusit, Dean of Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies at Mahidol University, led a group of students and faculty from the Faculty of Environmental Science at Nagasaki University, Japan, who participate in the "MU-NU Spring Training Program 2024," on a tram tour to visit the on-campus environmental learning resource route. During the visit, the group explored important landmarks and cultural areas within Mahidol University, including the Eco Park in front of the Mahidol Unievrsity Library, the traditional Thai houses at the Faculty of Music, and floating solar, the recycled waste bank, the university wastewater treatment system, and organic vegetable plots. The purposes of the tour were to recommend the metioned places to the students and simultaneously provide knowledge about the utility management system and facilities within Mahidol Uiversity that also aligns with its mission to become a sustainable university.