No.Fiscal yearProject Title Project Head MUEN Co-researchersFunding Source
1 2568-Dr.RatanaBoonparsert--
2 2568-Assistant Professor Dr.Wanwisa Pansak--
3 2568-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnongWanwisa Pansak, Paramita Punwong, Phatra Samerwong-
4 2568-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
5 2568-Assistant Professor Dr.PiyakarnTeartisupRattanawat Chaiyarat, Prapeut Kerdsueb, Thamarat Phutthai, Monthira Yuttitham, Wanwisa Pansak, Tanthai Prasertkul, Boripat Siriaroonrat, Piangjai Peerakiatkhajohn, Ratana BoonparsertOffice of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
6 2568-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
7 2568-Associate Professor Dr.KanchanaNakhapakornAchara Ussawarujikulchai, Wanwisa Pansak, Sureewan Sittijunda, Piangjai Peerakiatkhajohn, Witchaya Rongsayamanont-
8 2568-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
9 2568(The Power Green Camp 20) Associate Professor Dr.NoppolArunrat--
10 2568Carbon Measurement and Management in Persimmon Plantation at Mae HaeAssociate Professor Dr.KampanadBhaktikul--
11 2568Diversity of bacterial and fungi communities in cadmium contamination agricultural soil and health risks communication in Mae Sot District, Tak Province, ThailandAssociate Professor Dr.NoppolArunratSukanya Sereenonchai-
12 2568Integrated of Household Waste Management for Alternative Energy and Reduce Environmental ImpactDr.NarinBoontanon--
13 2568Large-scale precipitation variability over Thailand inferred from tree-ring width stable isotopeAssociate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong--
14 2568Occupancy and Distribution of Predators after the Reintroduction of Preys in Salakphra Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanchanaburi ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat--
15 2568The Carbon credit research to study appropriate low carbon community indicators for assessing greenhouse gas emissions in the Royal Project areaAssociate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
16 2568Utilization of microplastic-contaminated anaerobic digestion effluent as a nutrient source for hydroponics cultivation of green cos lettuces: Fate, transport and accumulation of microplasticsAssociate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda--
17 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
18 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
19 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
20 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
21 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
22 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
23 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
24 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
25 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
26 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
27 2567-Dr.PisutNakmuenwai--
28 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีแห่งประเทศไทย (วว.)
29 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
30 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
31 2567-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
32 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
33 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
34 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
35 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
36 2567-Assistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkol-Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
37 2567-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
38 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
39 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
40 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
41 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
42 2567-Assistant Professor Dr.PiyakarnTeartisupMonthira Yuttitham, Prapeut Kerdsueb, Wanwisa Pansak, Kulvadee Kansuntisukmongkol-
43 2567-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
44 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
45 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
46 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
47 2567-Associate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthai--
48 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
49 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
50 2567-Associate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthai--
51 2567-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong-บริษัท สุราษฎร์ธานี เบเวอเรชจำกัด
52 2567-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusitChitsanuphong Pratum, Phanuwat PrasertpongNational Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
53 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
54 2567-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
55 2567-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart--
56 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
57 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
58 2567-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Mahidol University
59 2567CONSULTANCY AGREEMENT ลงวันที่ 30 ตุลาคม 2566Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan-ENVIROSTRAT LIMITED
60 2567 The impacts of sea level changes on Holocene mangrove dynamics, environment and human: the implication on long-term carbon storage of the Andaman Sea coastline, Thailand (Continuing Project 2 nd)Associate Professor Dr.ParamitaPunwongNathsuda Pumijumnong, Monthira Yuttitham-
61 2567Bio-energy Production from Invasive Plants in ThailandDr.JakkaponPhanthuwongpakdeePiangjai Peerakiatkhajohn-
62 2567Climate influence xylem morphogenesis over the growing season: Insights from long term intra-ring anatomy in two tropical pines species, Thailand (Phase 3)Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong--
63 2567Driving low carbon and climate resilience hospital model towards carbon neutralityDr.PraewaWongburiJakkapon Phanthuwongpakdee, Chayada Roemmontri, Thamarat Phutthai, Preeyaporn Koedrith, Noppol Arunrat, Kritana Prueksakorn-
64 2567Dynamics of soil bacterial and fungal communities, and stable isotope (?13C and ?15N) composition in fire-affected soil of rotational shifting cultivationAssociate Professor Dr.NoppolArunratSukanya Sereenonchai-
65 2567Emission inventory and projection of greenhouse gases and multi-type air pollutants of Thailand towards sustainable management of air qualityAssistant Professor Dr.ChayadaRoemmontri--
66 2567Integrated approach of plants and selected indigenous bacteria as a green strip for preventing heavy metals distribution from municipal solid waste disposal areaProfessor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
67 2567Mangrove vulnerability and adaptive capacity of coastal communities, Case study Tambon Huangnamkhaw and Tambon Laem Ngob, Trad provinceAssistant Professor Dr.MonthiraYuttithamSuvaluck Satumanatpan, Paramita Punwong, Kamalaporn KanongdateNational Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
68 2567Monitoring of Population Ecology and Growth Rate of Banteng (Bos javanicus) after the Reintroduction in Salakphra Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanchanaburi Province and Khao Khieo-Khao Chompu Wildlife Sanctuary, Chonburi Province (Phase III)Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat--
69 2567Optimizing Mycelium Biocomposites Derived from Thai Economic Mushrooms and Agro-Industrial Waste Using Banana Fiber ReinforcementDr.JakkaponPhanthuwongpakdeePreeyaporn Koedrith-
70 2567Plant-based surfactants solution for petroleum contaminated soil remediationAssociate Professor Dr.NaphatsarnanPhasukarratchai--
71 2567Road Freight Transportation Management for Mitigating Greenhouse Gas EmissionsAssistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-PMU.C
72 2567Strategic Yacht Tourism in Thailand for Nautical Tourism Destination of AsiaAssistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisukThamarat PhutthaiPMU.C
73 2567The application of paleoenvironment to forest restoration in northern Thailand based on a palynological approachDr.ThunyapatSattraburutThamarat PhutthaiNational Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
74 2567The connection of valuation on the coastal resources and ecosystem with behavior and expected conservation programs by artisanal fishersAssistant Professor Dr.KamalapornKanongdateSuvaluck Satumanatpan-
75 2567The impact of economic, social, and environmental changes on the use of agricultural land in the Royal ProjectAssociate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
76 2566-Associate Professor Dr.WimonSonchaemKulvadee Kansuntisukmongkol-
77 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
78 2566-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
79 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
80 2566-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Metropolitan Waterworks Authority
81 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
82 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
83 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
84 2566-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
85 2566-Assistant Professor Dr.PiyakarnTeartisup--
86 2566-Associate Professor Dr.KanchanaNakhapakorn--
87 2566-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
88 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
89 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
90 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
91 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
92 2566-Assistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkolWimon Sonchaem-
93 2566-Dr.BoripatSiriaroonrat-United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
94 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
95 2566-Assistant Professor Dr.PiyakarnTeartisup--
96 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
97 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
98 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University
99 2566-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart--
100 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
101 2566-Associate Professor Dr.KritanaPrueksakorn--
102 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
103 2566-Mr.TheerawutChiyanon-Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
104 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
105 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีแห่งประเทศไทย (วว.)
106 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยแม่โจ้
107 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
108 2566 Multi-scale seamless prediciton of arboviral outbreaks in Thailand (ARBOTHAI)Associate Professor Dr.KanchanaNakhapakorn-The Wellcome Trust
109 2566An analysis of green gross provincial product (GPP) of Phuket, a tourist cityAssociate Professor Dr.KritanaPrueksakorn-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
110 2566Climate influence xylem morphogenesis over the growing season: Insights from long term intra-ring anatomy in two tropical pines species, Thailand (Phase 2)Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong--
111 2566Developing Golf Ecosystem for Sport Economy DevelopmentAssistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-PMU.C
112 2566Development of bioplastic production from anaerobic digestion effluent by microalgalAssociate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda--
113 2566Development of Metal Oxide Nanomaterial for Hydrogen Production from Wastewater in Artificial PhotosynthesisAssistant Professor Dr.PiangjaiPeerakiatkhajohn--
114 2566Drought impact assessment on agricultural security in Mae Chang watershade Lampang province (2nd yearAssociate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthaiPisut Nakmuenwai, Sirasit Vongvassana, Theerawut Chiyanon, Warin Boonriam, Sura PattanakiatThe Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
115 2566Integrated approach of plants and selected indigenous bacteria as a green strip for preventing heavy metals distribution from municipal solid waste disposal areaProfessor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
116 2566Metabolomics study of methane production from microplastic contaminated wastewaterAssociate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda--
117 2566Monitoring of Population Ecology and Growth Rate of Banteng (Bos javanicus) after the Reintroduction in Salakphra Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanchanaburi Province and Khao Khieo-Khao Chompu Wildlife Sanctuary, Chonburi Province (Phase II)Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat--
118 2566Pandemic literacy and viral zoonotic spillover risk at the frontline of disease emergence in Southeast Asia to improve pandemic preparednessDr.BoripatSiriaroonrat--
119 2566Soil Organic Carbon Stock Assessment in Forest-changed Maize Fields, Mae Tha Subwatershed, Lampang ProvinceDr.ThunyapatSattraburutMonthira Yuttitham, Kritana Prueksakorn-
120 2566Study of biomass and nutrient content in different parts of maize plants for adjusting the value as a fertilizer reference: A case study of alkaline soilAssistant Professor Dr.Wanwisa Pansak-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
121 2566The connection of valuation on the coastal resources and ecosystem services by coastal and artisanal fishers with the pattern of conservation programsAssistant Professor Dr.KamalapornKanongdateSuvaluck Satumanatpan-
122 2566The increasing efficiency in the application of Green Office standards of government offices, state enterprises and educational institutions for reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) in ThailandAssociate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
123 2566-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
124 2565-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
125 2565-Dr.NarinBoontanon--
126 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
127 2565-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
128 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
129 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
130 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
131 2565-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
132 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
133 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
134 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
135 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
136 2565-Dr.ThunyapatSattraburut--
137 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
138 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
139 2565-Dr.PoonpermVardhanabindu--
140 2565-Dr.BoripatSiriaroonrat-Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations-FAO)
141 2565-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnongSukanya Sereenonchai, Noppol Arunrat, Poonperm Vardhanabindu, Jarinee IochawnaOffice of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
142 2565-Associate Professor Dr.KanchanaNakhapakorn--
143 2565-Dr.BoripatSiriaroonratSura Pattanakiat, Thamarat Phutthai, Piyakarn TeartisupOffice of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
144 2565-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
145 2565-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
146 2565-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
147 2565-Dr.PoonpermVardhanabinduChitsanuphong Pratumการยางแห่งประเทศไทย
148 2565-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
149 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
150 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
151 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
152 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
153 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
154 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
155 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
156 2565Dry Season Pilots of the Mekong River Commission Protocols on Riverine Plastic Monitoring Programme (RPM)Assistant Professor Dr.AcharaUssawarujikulchai-Mekong River Commission Secretariat: MRCS
157 2565Wet Season Pilots of the Mekong River Commission Protocols on Riverine Plastic Monitoring Programme (RPM) in ThailandAssistant Professor Dr.AcharaUssawarujikulchai-Mekong River Commission Secretariat: MRCS
158 2565Climate influence xylem morphogenesis over the growing season: Insights from long term intra-ring anatomy in two tropical pines species, ThailandAssociate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong--
159 2565Communication for driving urban agricultural community to sustainable development: Water-Energy-Food-People Nexus (WEFP Nexus)Associate Professor Dr.SukanyaSereenonchaiNoppol ArunratNational Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
160 2565Ecological landscape of fossil sources at Kao Noi and Pon Forest in Satun-GeoparkAssociate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnongSukanya Sereenonchai, Noppol Arunrat, Poonperm VardhanabinduNational Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
161 2565Effect of fires on physico-chemical and microbiological soil properties in shifting cultivation in Mae Chaem Basin, Chiang Mai Province, ThailandAssociate Professor Dr.NoppolArunratSukanya Sereenonchai, Monthira Yuttitham-
162 2565Emission inventory of Ammonia (NH3) Precursor Contributions to PM2.5 from Anthropogenic Activities in Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR), ThailandAssistant Professor Dr.ChayadaRoemmontri-Mahidol University
163 2565Food security assessment based on land cover and land use change situation in Mae Chang watershed, Lampang provinceAssociate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
164 2565Improving Competitiveness in Yacht Charter Tourism for Increasing Opportunity of Tourism RevenueAssistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-PMU.C
165 2565Integrated wild elephant studies for mitigating human-elephant conflicts in Eastern Thailand using innovative technologiesDr.BoripatSiriaroonratSura Pattanakiat, Thamarat PhutthaiNational Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
166 2565Marine Spatial Planning Project: Application to Local PracticeProfessor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
167 2565Monitoring of Population Ecology and Growth Rate of Banteng (Bos javanicus) after the Reintroduction in Salakphra Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanchanaburi Province and Khao Khieo-Khao Chompu Wildlife Sanctuary, Chonburi ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat--
168 2565Occupancy and Distribution of Eld’s Deer (Rucervus eldii) after Reintroduction in Salakphra Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanchanaburi ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
169 2565Performance evaluation of CMIP6 GCMs to simulate historical temperature and precipitation over Southeast AsiaAssociate Professor Dr.KritanaPrueksakorn--
170 2565Promoting Community Participation in Banteng (Bos javanicus) Conservation in Salakphra Wildlife SanctuaryAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
171 2565Research and development of innovation electricity generation for sustainable alternative energyDr.NarinBoontanon-PMU.C
172 2565The impacts of sea level changes on Holocene mangrove dynamics, environment and human: the implication on long-term carbon storage of the Andaman Sea coastline, ThailandAssociate Professor Dr.ParamitaPunwongNathsuda Pumijumnong, Monthira YuttithamMahidol University
173 2565-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
174 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
175 2564-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusitPhanuwat Prasertpong-
176 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot- Mahidol University
177 2564-Dr.PoonpermVardhanabindu--
178 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
179 2564-Dr.PoonpermVardhanabindu--
180 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
181 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
182 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
183 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiatAllan Sriratana Tabucanon, Piangjai Peerakiatkhajohn, Pattrawut Pusingha, Sirasit Vongvassana-
184 2564-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart--
185 2564-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
186 2564-Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-บริษัท ดิทโต้ (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน)
187 2564-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
188 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-ศูนย์กิจการนักศึกษา (อาคารอำนวย ยศสุข) มหาวิทยาลัยแม่โจ้
189 2564-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
190 2564-Associate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthaiSirasit Vongvassana, Varong Boonchirdchoo, Tawan Phalalak-
191 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
192 2564-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusitPhanuwat Prasertpong-
193 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
194 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
195 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
196 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
197 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
198 2564-Associate Professor Dr.KritanaPrueksakorn--
199 2564-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
200 2564-Associate Professor Dr.WimonSonchaemLuepol Punnakanta-
201 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
202 2564-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdeeWitchaya Rongsayamanont-
203 2564-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta--
204 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
205 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
206 2564-Associate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthaiRatchaphong KlinsrisukBiodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
207 2564-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
208 2564-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong-บริษัท บุญรอดเอเชียเบเวอเรซ จำกัด
209 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
210 2564-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiatAllan Sriratana Tabucanon, Suvaluck Satumanatpan, Kritana Prueksakorn, Ratchaphong Klinsrisuk, Vilinthorn Xuto, Thamarat Phutthai, Poonperm Vardhanabindu, Chitsanuphong Pratum, Sirasit Vongvassanaสำนักงานสภาพัฒนาการเศรษฐกิจและสังคมแห่งชาติ (สศช.)
211 2564-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
212 2564-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
213 2564A comparison between machine learning methods and statistical techniques for mapping groundwater salinity distribution in Thailand’s coastal aquifersAssociate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University
214 2564Alnernative evaluation on land use management to cope with climate change: a case study in Pichit ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.NoppolArunrat-Mahidol University
215 2564Behavioral insights of farmers and surrounded people to develop a zero-burn agricultural communityMissSukanyaSereenonchai--
216 2564Development of Health Tourism Destination for Destination Competitiveness after COVID-19 PandemicAssistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-PMU.C
217 2564Development of Metal Oxide Nanomaterial for Hydrogen Production from Wastewater in ArtificialAssistant Professor Dr.PiangjaiPeerakiatkhajohn-Mahidol University
218 2564Development of modernize electric generator for sustainable energyDr.NarinBoontanon-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
219 2564Development of Particulate Matter 2.5 Forecast and Warning System in Lampang ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
220 2564Drought impact assessment on agricultural security in Mae Chang watershade Lampang provinceAssociate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
221 2564Green Parliament: A Way towards Sustainable Development with Sufficiency Economy ConceptAssociate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
222 2564Greenhouse gases emissions and potential of carbon stock in rubber tree plantations in Eastern ThailandAssistant Professor Dr.MonthiraYuttithamPoonperm Vardhanabindu, Allan Sriratana Tabucanon, Chayada RoemmontriNational Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
223 2564Overlapping use areas between wild elephants (Elephas maximus) and communities, and warning system development in the eastern part of ThailandAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat--
224 2564Prototype innovation of grease tap for FOG (fat, oil and grease) elimination from food processing and food wasteDr.NarinBoontanon-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
225 2564Solar Powered Boat to Promote Sustainable Tourism PolicyAssistant Professor Dr.GunnPanprayun-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
226 2564Study of Financial Mechanism for Naturla Heritage Management on Sustainable Tourism PerspectiveAssociate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthai-PMU.C
227 2564Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) development with 5G wireless network technology for agriculture precise and the environmentDr.RatanaBoonparsert--
228 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
229 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
230 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
231 2563-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta--
232 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
233 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
234 2563-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
235 2563-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
236 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
237 2563-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
238 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiatSirasit Vongvassana, Theerawut Chiyanonมหาวิทยาลัยแม่ฟ้าหลวง
239 2563-Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-บริษัท ฮีโน่มอเตอร์ส แมนูแฟคเจอริ่ง (ประเทศไทย)
240 2563-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart--
241 2563-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart--
242 2563-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakantaWimon Sonchaem, Kulvadee Kansuntisukmongkol, Ratree Thamcome-
243 2563-Associate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthaiRatchaphong KlinsrisukBiodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
244 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiatThamarat Phutthai, Ratchaphong KlinsrisukBiodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
245 2563-Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat--
246 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
247 2563-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
248 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
249 2563-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
250 2563-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
251 2563-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
252 2563-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
253 2563-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
254 2563-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
255 2563Determination of carbon sequestration and oxygen production of trees in public parks of Bangkok Metropolis for sustainable nurban development and reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphereAssociate Professor Dr.NuanchanSingkran- Asia Research Center, Chulalongkorn University (ARC)
256 2563Development of a photosynthesis measurement device in atmospheric carbon dioxideDr.NarinBoontanon-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
257 2563Development of biofuels bio-plastic and pellet fertilizer production from a co-digestion of vinasse with brewer’s yeast cellsAssociate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
258 2563Development of research network on Kart topography, cave system and geotourism in Mae Hong Son provinceAssociate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-PMU.C
259 2563Ecology and Population of Wild Elephant (Elephas maximus) in Phu Luang and Phu Khieo Wildlife SanctuaryAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyaratSukanya SereenonchaiPMU.B
260 2563Guidelines for the civil state forest to reduce the occurrence and spread of forest fires in Doi Phrabat, Lampang ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthai-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
261 2563Increasing value of cross-border trade between Thailand-Malaysia at Sadao Customs HouseAssistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
262 2563Knowledge Management of Creative Tourism by Communities in Satun GeoparkAssociate Professor Dr.ParamitaPunwong-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
263 2563Precision system of water resource management and yield estimation for sugarcane cultivationDr.BoonlueKachenchart-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
264 2562-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
265 2562-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
266 2562-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk--
267 2562-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
268 2562-Associate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthai-Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
269 2562-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
270 2562-Dr.RatanaBoonparsert--
271 2562-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
272 2562-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-องค์การบริหารการพัฒนาพื้นที่พิเศษเพื่อการท่องเที่ยวอย่างยั่งยืน (องค์การมหาชน)
273 2562-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
274 2562-Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon--
275 2562-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
276 2562-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
277 2562-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
278 2562-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
279 2562ADB TA-9204 THA: Strengthening Integrated Water Resource Planning and Management at River Basin Level: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of Rayong Province and Khlong Yai River Basin Development and Revision of Thai Draft SEA GuidelinesAssistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon-International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM)
280 2562Baseline and Biodiversity Monitoring Surveys for the ASEAN Flyway Network SitesAssistant Professor Dr.PiyakarnTeartisup-ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity: ACB
281 2562Survey and Database Development for Wildlife and Habitat in Tung Yai Naresuan West Associate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthai-United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
282 2562โครงการ English-Thai Technical TranslatorTeaching AssistantPattrawutPusingha-United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
283 2562โครงการติดตามตรวจสอบคุณภาพสิ่งแวดล้อม ศูนย์การแพทย์กาญจนาภิเษก” ประจำปีงบประมาณ 2562Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta--
284 2562โครงการฝึกอบรมและตรวจประเมินสำนักงานสีเขียว (Green Office)Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
285 2562โรงเรียนสิ่งแวดล้อมขององค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดสมุทรสาคร ประจำปี พ.ศ. 2562Dr.NarinBoontanon--
286 2562A study on developing research potential on impacts of floating solar cell plantsDr.PetTecharat--
287 2562An assessment of Climate in the past millennium in nortwest Thailand by using evidence from archeological site Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University
288 2562Bioremediation of oil contaminated seawater enhanced by dispersants containing bio-and synthetic surfactants Dr.WitchayaRongsayamanont-Mahidol University
289 2562Communication for the coexistence of communities facing haze pollutionAssociate Professor Dr.SukanyaSereenonchai-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
290 2562Developing a Sustainability Evaluation Mechanism for Institution of Higher Education in Thailand Assistant Professor Dr.AllanSriratana Tabucanon-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
291 2562Development of particulate matter based on small data loggerMr.VarongBoonchirdchoo--
292 2562Ecology and Population of Wild Elephant (Elephas maximus) in Phu Luang and Phu Khieo Wildlife SanctuaryAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-Mahidol University Budget
293 2562Efficiency improvement of lac cultivation and value addition to economic fruits and natural rubber with use of lac-based productsAssociate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthai-Mahidol University Budget
294 2562Evaluation and comparison of environmental, economic and management aspects between individual and large scale farmers to alternative mitigation optionsAssociate Professor Dr.NoppolArunrat-Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
295 2562Hydrogen and methane production from co-digested of stillage and brewer’s yeast cellsAssociate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda-Mahidol University Budget
296 2562Integrating Stakeholders on Solid Waste and Wastewater Management Plan Development in Sa Kaeo Special Economic Zone and Adjacent DistrictsAssociate Professor Dr.SukanyaSereenonchai-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
297 2562Knowledge management for rice varieties and network management of Young Smart Farmer to cope with climate variabilityAssociate Professor Dr.NoppolArunrat-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
298 2562Knowledge management of large scale agriculture for public policyAssociate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
299 2562Management of Paddy Fields and Climate Change in Thailand: Alternative and managed EffectivelyAssociate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
300 2562Paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the log coffin cultureAssociate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
301 2562Plant diversity and vegetation structure on limestone hill in Srinagarind Dam, Kanchanaburi ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthai-Mahidol University
302 2562Precision system of water resource management and yield estimation for sugarcane cultivationDr.BoonlueKachenchart-Mahidol University Budget
303 2562Supply chain Management of Golf tourism to be World Class Golf DestinationAssistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
304 2562The application of green office standard towards office of Local Administrative Organization and educational organizations for reducing energy utilization and greenhouse gases (GHGs) in ThailandAssociate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
305 2562The development of household organic waste digester for commercializeDr.NarinBoontanon-Mahidol University
306 2562water Security and Balance in Lower Part of Mae nam Phetchaburi SubbasinAssociate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
307 2561-Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-The Liquor Distillery Organization
308 2561-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot- Mahidol University
309 2561-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
310 2561-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
311 2561-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
312 2561-Dr.HarinSachdev--
313 2561-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta--
314 2561-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
315 2561-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
316 2561-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
317 2561-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart--
318 2561-Dr.RatanaBoonparsert--
319 2561-Associate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthai-Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
320 2561-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
321 2561-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
322 2561-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
323 2561-Dr.NarinBoontanon--
324 2561-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
325 2561-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
326 2561-Dr.NarinBoontanon-Metropolitan Waterworks Authority
327 2561A farmer-based analysis of climate change adaptation options of rice fields in Thailand:Economic and agricultural ecology based assessmentAssociate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
328 2561Ageing, social isolation, loneliness, health, social care and longevity: Insights from case studies in Thailand and IndiaAssociate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
329 2561Author's satisfaction with the decision to submit an article in the Journal of Environment and natural Resources JournaMissIsareeApinya--
330 2561Ecology and Population of Wild Elephant (Elephas maximus) in Phu Luang and Phu Khieo Wildlife SanctuaryAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-Mahidol University Budget
331 2561Efficiency development of insect repellent from Chromolaena odorataand Vemonia cinerea (L.) extracts for bio-control of Plutella xylostella L. in green vegetable cultivationMissLaddaSeangon-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
332 2561Enhancement of Coffee Standard for Increasing Competitiveness under Trade Facilitation AgreementAssistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
333 2561Holocene mangrove dynamics, environmental and human interactions with sea level changes along the eastern Gulf of ThailandAssociate Professor Dr.ParamitaPunwong-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
334 2561Hydrogen and methane production from co-digested of stillage and brewer’s yeast cellsAssociate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda--
335 2561Multi-biofuel and value added products production from co-digestion of glycerol waste discharged after biodiesel production process and algal biomassAssociate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
336 2561Royal initative Project on the Study of Community Development towards Low carbon and Sustainable ComminityAssociate Professor Dr.KampanadBhaktikul-Mahidol University Budget
337 2561Study of Food Inspection and Certification Systems relating with International Trade under the New RegulationsAssistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
338 2561Sustainable CityAssociate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
339 2561Thai Coast: Coastal Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation in ThailandAssociate Professor Dr.KanchanaNakhapakorn-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
340 2561The Study of Waste and Wastewater impacts in the Ban Khlong Luek Border, Arunyaprathet, SrakaewAssociate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
341 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SukanyaSereenonchai- Mahidol University
342 2560-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong- Mahidol University
343 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
344 2560-Assistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkol--
345 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
346 2560-Dr.HarinSachdev--
347 2560-Dr.PhanuwatPrasertpong--
348 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
349 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
350 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
351 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
352 2560-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
353 2560-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
354 2560-Dr.RatanaBoonparsert--
355 2560-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta--
356 2560-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
357 2560-Dr.RatanaBoonparsert--
358 2560-Associate Professor Dr.ThamaratPhutthai--
359 2560-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta--
360 2560-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
361 2560-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
362 2560-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
363 2560-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta--
364 2560-Associate Professor Dr.KampanadBhaktikul--
365 2560Restoration of Biodiversity at BMW Site, Rayong Province, ThailandAssistant Professor Dr.KamalapornKanongdate--
366 2560-Associate Professor Dr.NuanchanSingkran- Mahidol University
367 2560-Assistant Professor Dr.GunnPanprayun- Mahidol University
368 2560-Dr.HarinSachdev- Mahidol University
369 2560-Assistant Professor Dr.AcharapornKumsopa- Mahidol University
370 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat- Mahidol University
371 2560-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
372 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
373 2560-Dr.RatanaBoonparsert-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
374 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda-Research University Network (RUN)
375 2560-Assistant Professor Dr.AcharapornKumsopa-Mahidol University Budget
376 2560-Associate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda--
377 2560Assessment of Greenhouse Gas and Particulate Matter from Municipal Waste Open Burning in the Nakhon Pathom ProvinceAssistant Professor Dr.ChayadaRoemmontri- Mahidol University
378 2560Ecology, Population, and Conflict Management Between Elephant (Elephas maximus) and Local People in Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary, Loei ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat- Mahidol University
379 2560Hydrogen and methane production from co-digestion of spent algae biomass and glyceral waste discharged after biodiesel production processAssociate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda- Mahidol University
380 2560Landscape ecology and spatial distribution of white handed gibbons (Hylobates lar), pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus) and their hybrids in a contact zoneInstructorNorbertoAsensio- Mahidol University
381 2560Phase behavior and biofuel properties of waste cooking oil-alcohol-diesel blending by surfactant emulsification techniqueAssociate Professor Dr.NaphatsarnanPhasukarratchai- Mahidol University
382 2560Plant materials for low-maintenance green roof to conserve energy and reduce carbon footprintDr.BoonlueKachenchart- Mahidol University
383 2559-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart--
384 2559-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
385 2559-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
386 2559-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
387 2559-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
388 2559-InstructorKritsadapanPalakit-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
389 2559-Dr.HarinSachdev--
390 2559-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
391 2559-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk--
392 2559-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakantaAurapin Eamsiri-
393 2559-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
394 2559-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
395 2559-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
396 2559-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
397 2559-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart--
398 2559-Dr.HarinSachdev--
399 2559-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
400 2559-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
401 2559-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
402 2559-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
403 2559-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
404 2559-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
405 2559-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
406 2559-Associate Professor Dr.WimonSonchaemLuepol PunnakantaProvincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
407 2559-Assistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkol-PTT Public Company Limited (PTT)
408 2559-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
409 2559-Dr.ChitsanuphongPratum- Asia Research Center, Chulalongkorn University (ARC)
410 2559-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
411 2559-Associate Professor Dr.SureewanSittijunda--
412 2559-MissArayaNobnorm--
413 2559-Associate Professor Dr.NaphatsarnanPhasukarratchai--
414 2559-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
415 2559-Dr.PetTecharat-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
416 2559-Assistant Professor Dr.KamalapornKanongdate-Mahidol University Budget
417 2559-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University Budget
418 2559-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart-Mahidol University Budget
419 2559-InstructorKritsadapanPalakit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
420 2559-Associate Professor Dr.SukanyaSereenonchai-Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
421 2559-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
422 2559Ecology, Population, and Conflict Management Between Elephant (Elephas maximus) and Local People in Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary, Loei ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat- Mahidol University
423 2559Estimation of carbon sources and sinks in Metropolitan city using remote sensing techniques: a case study of Bangkok, ThailandAssociate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong- Mahidol University
424 2559Sustainable CityAssociate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
425 2559The Development of Local Terrestrial Gastropods for Economic PurposeAssociate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot- Mahidol University
426 2559Utilization of by-products from bio-ethanol production through molasses fermentationAssistant Professor Dr.AcharapornKumsopaPatompong Saguanwong Mahidol University
427 2558-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
428 2558-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta--
429 2558-Dr.HarinSachdev--
430 2558-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
431 2558-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart--
432 2558-Dr.HarinSachdev--
433 2558-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart-Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
434 2558-Instructor---Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
435 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa--
436 2558-Dr.HarinSachdev--
437 2558-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
438 2558-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
439 2558-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
440 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.GunnPanprayun--
441 2558-Dr.NarinBoontanon--
442 2558-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
443 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.KamalapornKanongdate--
444 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkol-PTT Public Company Limited (PTT)
445 2558-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
446 2558-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
447 2558-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
448 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk--
449 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
450 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa--
451 2558-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
452 2558-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
453 2558-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
454 2558-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
455 2558-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
456 2558-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee--
457 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
458 2558-Associate Professor Dr.KampanadBhaktikulGunn Panprayun, Pijak Hinjiranan-
459 2558-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
460 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.RaywadeeRoachanakanan--
461 2558Environmental Assessment of Chatree Gold Mine Pichit ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
462 2558-Associate Professor Dr.SukanyaSereenonchai--
463 2558-InstructorKritsadapanPalakit--
465 2558-Mr.YuthapolPongpleesal--
466 2558-Dr.ChitsanuphongPratum--
467 2558-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit-Mahidol University Budget
468 2558-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University Budget
469 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.AcharapornKumsopa-Mahidol University Budget
470 2558-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-Mahidol University Budget
471 2558-Associate Professor Dr.NuanchanSingkran-Mahidol University
472 2558-Associate Professor Dr.KampanadBhaktikul-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
473 2558-Associate Professor Dr.ParamitaPunwong-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
474 2558-Associate Professor Dr.SukanyaSereenonchai-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
475 2558-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
476 2558-Dr.HarinSachdev-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
477 2558-Associate Professor Dr.ParamitaPunwong-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
478 2558-Associate Professor Dr.NuanchanSingkran- Asia Research Center, Chulalongkorn University (ARC)
479 2558-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University
480 2558Ecology, Population, and Conflict Management Between Elephant (Elephas maximus) and Local People in Phu Laung Wildlife Sanctuary, Loei ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat- Mahidol University
481 2557-Assistant Professor Dr.AcharaUssawarujikulchai--
482 2557-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakantaAurapin Eamsiri-
483 2557-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
484 2557-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University
485 2557-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta--
486 2557-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
487 2557-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
488 2557-Associate ProfessorRungjaratHutacharoenRattanawat Chaiyarat, Ratana Boonparsert, Monthira Yuttitham Mahidol University
489 2557-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
490 2557-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
491 2557-Associate Professor Dr.KanchanaNakhapakorn--
492 2557-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
493 2557-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk--
494 2557-Dr.RatanaBoonparsert--
495 2557-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakotPijak Hinjiranan-
496 2557-Dr.HarinSachdev--
497 2557-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiatSuvaluck Satumanatpan-
498 2557-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
499 2557-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakotChumporn Yuwaree-
500 2557-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
501 2557-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
502 2557-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
503 2557-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
504 2557-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
505 2557-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit--
506 2557-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
507 2557-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
508 2557-Associate Professor Dr.ParamitaPunwong-Mahidol University
509 2557-Dr.PetTecharat-Mahidol University
510 2557-InstructorNorbertoAsensio-Mahidol University
511 2557-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit-Mahidol University Budget
512 2557-InstructorNorbertoAsensio-Mahidol University Budget
513 2557-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk-Mahidol University
514 2557-Assistant Professor Dr.KamalapornKanongdate-Mahidol University
515 2557-InstructorWipawanTinnungwattana-Mahidol University
516 2557-Instructor---Mahidol University
517 2557-Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-Mahidol University
518 2557-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
519 2557-Assistant Professor Dr.MonthiraYuttitham-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
520 2557-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
521 2557-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
522 2557-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
523 2557-Instructor----
524 2557-MissRatreeThamcome--
525 2557-InstructorTrace John Lawrence Ouellette--
526 2557 Influencing Factors for Continue Study Decision Making of Graduate Student, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University MissUtumpornWaichalad--
527 2557Synergistic use of bacteria and plan to promote cadmium phytoremediation in contaminated soil and development of immobilzed cells for soil bioaugmentationProfessor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
528 2556-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakanta--
529 2556-Assistant ProfessorAurapinEamsiri-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
530 2556-Assistant ProfessorAurapinEamsiri-Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
531 2556-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
532 2556-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
533 2556-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
534 2556-Assistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkol-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
535 2556-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
536 2556-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
537 2556-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
538 2556-Dr.RatanaBoonparsert--
539 2556-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakantaWimon Sonchaem-
540 2556-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
541 2556-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa--
542 2556-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa--
543 2556-Dr.RatanaBoonparsert--
544 2556-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
545 2556-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
546 2556(Carbon Footprint Product Assessment of Acetone, Cumene, Phenol, and Bisphenol AAssociate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
547 2556-Associate Professor Dr.SansaneeChoowaew-Mahidol University Budget
548 2556-Assistant Professor Dr.RaywadeeRoachanakanan-Mahidol University Budget
549 2556-Assistant Professor Dr.PiyakarnTeartisup-Mahidol University Budget
550 2556-InstructorNorbertoAsensio-Mahidol University Budget
551 2556-Assistant Professor Dr.RatchaphongKlinsrisuk--
552 2556-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
553 2556-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
554 2556-Dr.NarinBoontanon-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
555 2556-Dr.BoonlueKachenchart-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
556 2556-Associate Professor Dr.KampanadBhaktikul-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
557 2556Cycotoxicity test of stably - nanosized particles of titanium dioxide and zincoxide using polymetric dispersing stabilizer in human shin cellsAssistant Professor Dr.PreeyapornKoedrith-Mahidol University
558 2556Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity test of nanosized particles of silicon dioxide stabilized with dispersing agent in human cell linesAssistant Professor Dr.PreeyapornKoedrith--
559 2556Determining Quality and Classes of Surface Water Sources for 48 Major Rivers of Thailand Using Time Series and Water Quality Index ModelsAssociate Professor Dr.NuanchanSingkran-Research Network for Higher Education in Lower Central Region of Thailand (Thaiwest)
560 2556Guides to Tourism Management and Environmental Conservation in Western Part of Thailand Towards the Capability of Dawei Special Ecinomic ZoneAssociate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
561 2556Inter-disciplinary research on knowledge transfer of conservation and utilization of local plant genetic resources case study : Amnatcharern and kanchanaburi ProvinceAssistant ProfessorKasemKulpraditSura Pattanakiat Mahidol University
562 2556Study and Forecast Changes and Environmental Impacts for Devotes to Dawei Special Economic ZoneAssociate Professor Dr.KampanadBhaktikulGunn Panprayun, Ratana BoonparsertThailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
563 2556The Establishment of Organic and Inorganic Pollutant database in Solis and River Sediments and Development of Environment database system in Flooded areas: A case study of Pathum Thanee, Nakhon Pathom, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya and Samut Sakhon ProvinceAssociate Professor Dr.KampanadBhaktikul-Research Network for Higher Education in Lower Central Region of Thailand (Thaiwest)
564 2556The Study of Fundamental Information Leading to Management of Logistics for Wellbeing to Support the Opening of Dawei Deep Sea Port and Industrial EstateAssociate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
565 2555-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
566 2555-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
567 2555-Assistant Professor Dr.JongdeeTo-im--
568 2555-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
569 2555-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
570 2555-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
571 2555-Assistant ProfessorAurapinEamsiri--
572 2555-Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat--
573 2555-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa--
574 2555-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
575 2555-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
576 2555-Assistant ProfessorAurapinEamsiri-Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University
577 2555-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
578 2555-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
579 2555-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
580 2555-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit--
581 2555-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
582 2555-Associate Professor Dr.---Mahidol University Budget
583 2555-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan-Mahidol University Budget
584 2555-InstructorNorbertoAsensio-Mahidol University Budget
585 2555-Assistant Professor Dr.PiyakarnTeartisup-Mahidol University Budget
586 2555-Assistant Professor Dr.PijakHinjiranan--
587 2555-Assistant Professor Dr.MonthiraYuttitham--
588 2555-Assistant Professor Dr.GunnPanprayun--
589 2555-MissSrisuphangLimganjanawat--
590 2555Development and Utilization of Biological Nitrification inhibitors (BNIs) from rice and grass genetic resources for rice breeding, conserving nitrogen nutrient and mitigating greenhouse gas emissionsDr.BoonlueKachenchart-The Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization)
591 2555Inter-disciplinary research on Knowledge Transfer of Conservation and Utilization of local plant genetic resources, Case Study : Amnatcharern Province and Kanchanaburi ProvinceAssistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit-Mahidol University Budget
592 2554-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa--
593 2554-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa--
594 2554-Associate ProfessorAurapinEamsiriLuepol Punnakanta-
595 2554-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit--
596 2554-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
597 2554-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
598 2554-Assistant ProfessorAurapinEamsiri--
599 2554-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakantaUsanee Uyasatian, Wimon Sonchaem-
600 2554-Associate Professor Dr.WinaiNutmagul--
601 2554-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
602 2554-Assistant ProfessorLuepolPunnakantaUsanee Uyasatian, Wimon Sonchaem-
603 2554-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
604 2554-Assistant ProfessorAurapinEamsiri--
605 2554-Associate ProfessorAurapinEamsiri--
606 2554-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
607 2554-Associate ProfessorAurapinEamsiri--
608 2554-Assistant ProfessorSittipongDilokwanich-Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC)
609 2554-Assistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkol-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
610 2554-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University Budget
611 2554-Assistant Professor Dr.PiyakarnTeartisup-Mahidol University Budget
612 2554-Associate Professor Dr.---Mahidol University Budget
613 2554-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan-Mahidol University Budget
614 2554-Associate Professor Dr.JaruwanWongtanet-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
615 2554-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
616 2554-Assistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkol-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
617 2554-Assistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkol-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
618 2554Ecological Impacts of Human Activities on Distribution and Ecology of Banteng (Bos javanicus), Gaur (Bos gaurus) and Elephant (Elephant maximus) in Salak Pra Wildlife SantuaryAssociate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-Mahidol University Budget
619 2554Intergrated Survey for biodiversity database development at Plant Genetic Conservation Project Under The Royal initative of Her Royal Highness Princess maha Chakri Sirindhorn Area Khao Wang Khamen, Kanchanaburi ProvinceAssistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit-Mahidol University Budget
620 2554Mechanisms Diving Community - based Adaptation to Climate Change : a Comparative Study of Fishery Communities in Palian and Prasae Watersheds of Trang and Rayong ProvincesAssistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkol-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
621 2554Monitoring and surveillance operations for biodiversity alteration of mountain ecosystem in Northern Thailand, Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son provinces case studiesAssociate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
622 2554Remediation of natural resources and environment by building active participation between the general public, industry and government : case study Mae Tao river basin, Mae Sod district, Tak provinceAssistant Professor Dr.AcharapornKumsopa-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
623 2553-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
624 2553-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
625 2553-Professor Dr.SuvaluckSatumanatpan--
626 2553-Assistant Professor Dr.AcharaUssawarujikulchai--
627 2553-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
628 2553-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
629 2553-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
630 2553-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
631 2553-Associate Professor Dr.WinaiNutmagulSanchai Sutipanwihan-
632 2553-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
633 2553-Associate Professor Dr.KanchanaNakhapakornNarin Boontanon, Kobkaew Manomaipiboon-
634 2553-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
635 2553-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit-PTT Public Company Limited (PTT)
636 2553-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
637 2553-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University Budget
638 2553-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University Budget
639 2553-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit-Mahidol University Budget
640 2553-Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-Mahidol University Budget
641 2553-Dr.RatanaBoonparsert-Mahidol University
642 2553-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
643 2553-Professor Dr.BenjaphornPrapagdee-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
644 2553-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan-Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC)
645 2553-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
646 2553-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
647 2553-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
648 2552-Assistant ProfessorSompongThongchai-Metropolitan Waterworks Authority
649 2552-Associate ProfessorSumaleeThepsuwanSanchai Sutipanwihan-
650 2552-Associate ProfessorAurapinEamsiri--
651 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
652 2552-Dr.VimutPrasertpunt--
653 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
654 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
655 2552-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit--
656 2552-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
657 2552-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
658 2552-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
659 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.KobkaewManomaipiboon--
660 2552-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
661 2552-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong--
662 2552-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong--
663 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.PijakHinjiranan--
664 2552-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong- Mahidol University
665 2552-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
666 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.KobkaewManomaipiboon- Mahidol University
667 2552-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
668 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.KulvadeeKansuntisukmongkol-PTT Public Company Limited (PTT)
669 2552-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit--
670 2552-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
671 2552-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
672 2552-Assistant ProfessorSompongThongchai-Metropolitan Waterworks Authority
673 2552-Associate ProfessorSumaleeThepsuwanSanchai Sutipanwihan-
674 2552-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit--
675 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.KobkaewManomaipiboon--
676 2552-Associate ProfessorAurapinEamsiri--
677 2552-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
678 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
679 2552-Dr.VimutPrasertpunt--
680 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
681 2552“Geographic information – Metadata-XML schema implementation”Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
682 2552Research Collaboration Project – International Research Initiative Scheme (IRIS) : Mapping Cultural Heritage Landscapes, Perceptions and Stakeholder Collaboration : A Case Study for the New World Heritage Site in the Border Area of Northeast, ThailandDr.VimutPrasertpunt-University of Western Sydney
683 2552-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University Budget
684 2552-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University Budget
685 2552-Assistant ProfessorKasemKulpradit-Mahidol University Budget
686 2552-Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat-Mahidol University Budget
687 2552-Associate ProfessorSumaleeThepsuwan-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
688 2552-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
689 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.PatanaThavipoke--
690 2552-Assistant Professor Dr.AcharapornKumsopa-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
691 2551-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
692 2551-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
693 2551-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan--
694 2551-Assistant Professor Dr.ChirapolSintunawa-Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
695 2551-Assistant ProfessorSompongThongchai-Metropolitan Waterworks Authority
696 2551-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
697 2551-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot--
698 2551-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
699 2551-Associate Professor Dr.RattanawatChaiyarat--
700 2551-Assistant Professor Dr.RaywadeeRoachanakanan-Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Policy (ONEP)
701 2551-Associate Professor Dr.SuraPattanakiat--
702 2551-Assistant Professor Dr.PijakHinjiranan--
703 2551-Assistant Professor Dr.CharlieNavanugraha-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
704 2551-Associate ProfessorSuchartNawagawong--
705 2551-Associate ProfessorAurapinEamsiri--
706 2551-Associate ProfessorAnuchatPoungsomlee-Mahidol University Budget
707 2551-Associate Professor Dr.SayamAroonsrimorakot-Mahidol University Budget
708 2551-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-Mahidol University Budget
709 2551-Associate Professor Dr.JaruwanWongtanet-Mahidol University
710 2551-Associate Professor Dr.KanchanaNakhapakorn-Mahidol University
711 2551-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
712 2551-Associate Professor Dr.NathsudaPumijumnong-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
713 2551-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
714 2551-Associate Professor Dr.KitikornCharmondusit-Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
715 255-InstructorSanchaiSutipanwihan-National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)